Corporate Environmental Strategic Plan
The Corporate Environmental Strategic Plan 2016-2025 provides guidance and direction with respect to the corporate environmental sustainability priorities in association with the Corporate Business Plan 2016 to 2020.
Foreshore Restoration Strategy Review
The Foreshore Restoration Strategy Review identifies priority areas along Melville’s 18km of foreshore for restoration or erosion control works.
Water Quality Improvement Plan - Bull Creek
The Water Quality Improvement Plan: Bull Creek dentifies gaps in management of the Bull Creek Catchment, assesses current condition, and identifies values, objectives, targets and actions for the catchment to improve water quality.
Natural Area Asset Management Plan
The Natural Areas Asset Management Plan provides the context, and technical and policy framework for the management of all natural area reserves within the City. It contains information on prioritisation of reserves, broad strategies to manage these areas and the threats to these areas. This document also contains plant and animal species lists for all of our bushland reserves across the City. Natural Area Asset Management Plan Maps.
Bushfire Risk Management Plan
The Bushfire Risk Management Plan is an assessment of bushfire risk across the City of Melville which identifies the extent of bushfire hazard and the potential to affect people, property and infrastructure. This plan was prepared in conjunction with the Office of Bushfire Risk Management as part of a state-wide risk assessment process applicable to all local councils.