The City of Melville is committed to providing everybody with equal opportunities to access Council services, products and information including the ability to participate in decision making processes.
Our website has been designed in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) internationally recognised Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines and intends to conform to the WCAG 2.1 Level AA standard.
We also recognise that some included information on this website may not be completely accessible or not to the desired standard. The updating of our information is an ongoing process and we are continuing to work to improve the website accessibility.
Where appropriate publications are made available in alternative formats to provide different options for access, however this may not be possible with archival information.
While every effort is made to ensure accessibility, where the City’s website links to a different website or external information provider, no responsibility can be accepted.
If you experience any accessibility problems with our website or with any of the information or documents contained within it, please contact us.
The City of Melville provides a range of disability and access inclusion services.
Interpreting and Translating Services
The City is a registered agency with the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). Interpreting and translating services are available for non-English speaking residents. This service is free for residents and ratepayers who do not speak English when accessing the City's services.
TIS Provides:
- immediate phone interpreting
- ATIS Voice automated voice-prompted immediate phone interpreting
- pre-booked phone interpreting
- pre-booked onsite interpreting
- translation services.
Assistance can be provided by calling 13 14 50 at any time and advising the service that it is in relation to City of Melville information.
National Relay Service
If you have difficulty with hearing or speech the National Relay Service may be able to assist.
- Call the National Relay Service on 133 677. You will then need to provide them with our number 08 9364 0666
- Information on this service is available on the National Replay Service accesshub.
Screen Readers
Screen Readers are software to make website content more accessible with reading and translation support. There are screen reader software options (both free and fee paying) available to be downloaded directly to your device, for use across all websites (including the City of Melville website).
For more information about customising your web browser and computer set up, visit the W3C website.
Increasing and Decreasing Text Size
You can scale the font size by use your browsers resizing function. The latest version of several web browsers allow users to easily increase the font size for better readability.
- Hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the + (plus) key
- You can also decrease the font size by holding down the Ctrl or Command key and pressing the - (minus) key
- Additionally, the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and scroll the mouse centre wheel forward or backward, increases or decreases the font size. Both of these methods also work on PDF pages as well.
Keyboard Navigation
In most browsers, you can use the 'Tab' key to move between links without having to use the mouse. When you are on a link you wish to visit, pressing 'Enter' will take you to the linked page.
If you are in a form, you can also use the 'Tab' key to move between form elements (such as text boxes and radio buttons). Where there are options, for example in a drop-down menu, you can use the arrow keys to select your desired option. When you want to submit or cancel a form, tab through to the relevant button and press the 'Enter' key.
We will be progressively optimising all of our Portable Document Format (PDF) documents and forms on this website to be made accessible in compliance with the W3C guidelines.
PDFs by default are opened using your browser. If you are on a desktop and wish to use Adobe Reader to open PDF files, the PDF will need to be downloaded first. Adobe Reader includes screen reading functionality and can be downloaded from for free.