Request/report Make a payment Feedback Complaints
Please note, the hours listed below will change during the festive season -
please see here for our full holiday operating hours.
City of Melville Civic Centre (main administration centre)
- Opening hours: 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays)
- Phone: 9364 0666 or 1300 635 845 (during business hours)
- Email:
- Address: 10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon 6154
- Postal Address: City of Melville, Locked Bag 1, Booragoon WA 6954
City of Melville Operations Centre
Location of the City of Melville dog pound.
- Opening hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays)
- Dog pound hours: 4.00pm to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (by appointment only)
- Address: 13 Bramanti Road, Murdoch 6150
Contact a Ranger
Our rangers are on duty seven days a week:
- Monday to Friday 6.30am to 8.00pm
- Saturday 6.30am to 7.00pm
- Sunday and Public Holidays 6.30am to 6.00pm
Please call our Civic Centre during business hours to contact a ranger, or call the after hours number listed below outside of business hours.
After Hours Contacts
- Community Safety Service: 1300 653 643
- After hours rangers: 0418 943 219 (Please call this number, as it is unable to receive text messages.)
City of Melville Facilities and other Services
For contact details and opening hours of our various facilities, check their dedicated webpages:
To find your nearest Child Health Centre, use the National Health Services Directory, found on the WA Department of Health website.
To find your nearest Senior Citizens Centre, visit the My Community Directory website. There are two Senior Citizens Centre in the CIty of Melville - Stock Road Senior Citizens Club and the Stock Road Senior Citizens Club.
Accessibility and Interpreter Services
If you have a hearing or speech impediment, phone us via the National Relay Service (TTY) on 133 677.
If you require an interpreter, contact us via the Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS National) on 13 14 50.
You can use these services to contact any of our facilities, you will just need to provide them with the relevant phone number.