Public Art in DevelopmentsFind out more about our public art in developments policy, which sets out when developers are required to provide public art as part of a new...
Land Use and Change of UseFind out about zoning and land use in our City and how to apply for change of use.
Mixed Use, Commercial or Industrial DevelopmentsFind out about planning and building requirements for mixed use, commercial and industrial developments.
Development Assessment Panel (DAP)Find out more about our independent Design Review Panel and which applications are referred to the Metro Inner-South Joint Development Assessment...
Sustainable and Universal DesignFind out more about universal design principles as well as mandatory energy efficiency requirements.
Heritage Listed PlacesFind out about our Local Heritage Survey and Local Heritage List, which lists places in our City of considerable heritage significance.
Building or Renovating a HouseLearn the planning and building requirements for building or renovating a house.
Local Planning Strategy, Scheme Policies and PlansLearn about our local planning strategy, scheme, policies and plans and how they inform all property development within our City.
Legislation, Australian Standards and Residential Design CodesFind out about the key planning and building legislation, regulations and standards that set the framework and standards for all property...
Request Copies of Planning Approvals and Building PlansRequest building plans, building related documents or past development approvals for properties in the City of Melville.
Planning and Building Forms and DocumentsKnow which form you need? Quickly access all planning and building forms and documents on one page.
Construction Management PlansIf you’re starting major development work you may need to submit a construction management plan, find out more information.
Design Review PanelFind out about the role of the Design Review Panel and the process your application will follow.
Development Application Condition ClearanceGot your development approval? You may need to provide further information before you get started on site.