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Planning and Building Registers

The latest statistics showing building and planning applications are available below:

Planning Applications and Approvals

The easy to use dashboard below provides you with a list of all the planning applications that have been lodged and determined over the last seven days. 
1.    Click on ‘Applications Lodged’ or ‘Applications Determined’ to toggle between the two lists.
2.    Click on any suburb on the heatmap to filter to applications from that suburb.
3.    You can use ‘Filter by lodgement date’ to search for older applications, up to and including applications lodged since 1 January 2010. There is a similar date filter for the list of applications determined, based on date of decision.
4.    Click on any of the application type above the table to filter to specific type of applications (only applicable for applications lodged).

If you have any feedback on how we can improve your experience using this tool, please click ‘was this page helpful?’ on the bottom of the webpage and tell us your thoughts.

DAP Applications


Building Approvals 

The easy to use dashboard below provides you with  a list of all the Building applications that have been approved over the last seven days.
1.    Click on any suburb on the heatmap to filter to applications from that suburb.
2.    You can use ‘Filter by approval date’ to search for older applications, up to and including applications approved since 1 January 2010.

Note: A Materials On Verge Permit is not a building approval as defined within the Building Act 2011.  A Materials On Verge Permit is required under Part 2.2, Activities in Thoroughfares, Public Places and Trading Local Law 2014.

If you have any feedback on on how we can improve your experience using this tool, please click ‘was this page helpful?’ on the bottom of the webpage and tell us your thoughts.

Building Orders Register

 This register is reviewed and updated weekly every Monday. 

To request copies of Building Orders or Permits please click here Request a Copy of a Building Permit or Order

Building Order Register

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