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Justice of the Peace

There are a number of Justices of the Peace located within our City. Find out more below.

About Justices of the Peace

A Justice of the Peace acts as an independent and objective witness to documents used for official legal purposes. You must bring a physical copy of each document you need to be witnessed.

Please note: If the document requires a third-party witness to be present (separate from the JP) then the customer must supply this witness themselves when visiting the JP.

Justice of the Peace at the Civic Centre

** JPs will be unavailable from 24 December 2024. They will be returning from Monday 6 January 2025.

We have volunteer JPs available at our Civic Centre from Monday to Friday 10.00am to 1.00pm.

No booking is needed, however please note that JPs are volunteers and there may be some occasions when they are unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances.  
The JP is located in a meeting room just inside the glass sliding doors from the courtyard area opposite the Main Hall (if you are walking from Westfield Booragoon and the Civic Square Library side). There is signage and a waiting area with seats.

One client is allowed in the room at one time. The client must provide their own blue or black pen.

If you would like to confirm if the JP is currently in attendance please contact our customer relations team.

If you have a query about the JP service please call the Justice of the Peace coordinator Mr Harry Collins on 0497 370 689.

The Justice of the Peace team moved from Westfield Booragoon to the Civic Centre in early 2023. 

Justice of the Peace at Bull Creek Library

We have a volunteer JP available at our Bull Creek Library during the following times:

  • Mondays, 4.30pm to 6.30pm [The Monday JP is currently unavailable and will return on 24 February 2025]
  • Saturdays, 9.00am to 12noon

No booking is needed, however as our JPs are volunteers there may be some occasions when they are unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. To confirm the JP is in attendance, please contact the Bull Creek Library.

Find Other Justice of the Peace in Our City

You can also find your local Justice of the Peace by using the Department of Justice website.
Find your local Justice of the Peace

Complaints about the Justice of the Peace

The Justice of the Peace is a service provided by the Department of Justice – Any feedback or complaints should be directed to them via their website.

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