About Our CityFind out about our City's, parking, parks and reserves, projects and works, history and heritage, and more.
Our CouncilEverything you need to know about Council, including our Elected Members, how Council works, meetings, agendas and minutes and elections.
City ManagementFind out about the City's management team, corporate planning, vision and values, financial information and annual reports.
RatesInformation on your rate notice, fees and levies, including details on paperless rates, change of address and how to lodge an appeal or dispute.
Future VisionInformation on the City's future vision and the plans, strategies and studies that set the direction.
Business HubFind important information, resources and services that support the growth and development of local businesses.
Careers and Working With UsLearn about working for the City of Melville, apply for work experience and see our current job opportunities.
Publications and FormsSearch publications and forms including annual reports, strategies, plans, application forms and more by type, date or keyword.
Contractors, Suppliers and TendersAccess our open tenders (tenderlink) and other information for suppliers and contractors.
Connect With UsFind out how to keep up-to-date on the latest news, events, projects and works and opportunities to have your say.
Contact UsFind information and contact details for the City, including email adresses and contact numbers for different City services.
Online ServicesUse our Online Services to make a payment, request a service, report an issue, provide feedback or lodge a complaint online.