BODYATTACK A sports-inspired cardio workout for building strength and stamina.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 55 minutes
BODYBALANCE Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout builds flexibility and strength, leaving you feeling centred and calm.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon and Melville
- Class duration 55 minutes
BODYCOMBAT Fiercely energetic program inspired by martial arts and draws from a wide array of disciplines such as Karate, Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi and Muay Thai.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 55 minutes
BODYSTEP Using a height-adjustable step and simple movements on, over and around it, you'll push fat-burning systems into high gear.
- Available at LeisureFit Melville
- Class duration 55 minutes
- Express class duration 45 minutes
BODYPUMP The Les Mills original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight-room exercises like squats, presses, lifts and curls.
- Available across both LeisureFit Booragoon and Melville
- Class duration 55 minutes
- Express class duration 45 minutes
LES MILLS GRIT Series GRIT Strength - High-intensity interval training workout, designed to improve strength and build lean muscle. This workout uses barbell, weight plate and body weight exercises.
GRIT Cardio - High-intensity interval training workout, that improves cardiovascular fitness, increases speed and maximises calorie burn. This workout uses body weight exercises only.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 30 minutes
RPM Take on the terrain with your inspiring team coach who leads the pack through hills, flats, mountain peaks, time trials, and interval training.
Use the Body Bike Indoor cycling app which is a tool to monitor performance during the workout and after. Displaying power/watts, heart rate, cadence, distance and calories burned, it is a motivating display of data to track your training history.
Our Body Bikes are compatible with Standard SPD MTB cleats, and are readily available from bike shops or online.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 45 minutes
LES MILLS SPRINT High intensity interval workout, using an indoor bike to achieve fast results with minimum joint impact. Push your physical and mental limits.
Use the Body Bike Indoor cycling app which is a tool to monitor performance during the workout and after. Displaying power/watts, heart rate, cadence, distance and calories burned, it is a motivating display of data to track your training history.
Our Body Bikes are compatible with Standard SPD MTB cleats, and are readily available from bike shops or online.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 30 minutes
YOGA Stretch and strengthen all parts of the body including the mind.
- Available across both LeisureFit Booragoon and LeisureFit Melville
- Class duration 55 minutes
MAT PILATES STRENGTH Mat Pilates Strength incorporate the same fundamentals as our Mat Pilates class however the integration of additional equipment is utilised to maximise results with a greater emphasis on strength and conditioning.
- Available at LeisureFit Melville
- Class duration 55 minutes
MAT PILATES Pilates uses breathing to connect mind and body while improving postural alignment.
- Available across both LeisureFit Booragoon and Melville
- Class duration 55 minutes
LES MILLS CORE Inspired by elite athletic training principles, Les Mills CORE is a scientific core workout for incredible core tone and sports performance. You build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better at everything you do.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 30 minutes
STRONGFIT / X-TRAIN Combine strength and fitness training to maximise your health and fitness results in 45 minutes.
Suitable for all fitness levels.
- Available across both LeisureFit Booragoon and Melville
- Class duration 45 minutes
OXYFIT A fitness class combining both steady state and interval training to improve cardiovascular performance.
Suitable for all fitness levels
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 45 minutes
LIFTFIT LiftFit is a pure strength class that aims to improve muscular strength and performance. We aim not only to improve strength but also educate all participants on correct lifting techniques, loading, volumes and intensity.
Suitable for all fitness levels.
- Available at LeisureFit Booragoon
- Class duration 45 minutes
LITE PACE Introductory level class for those who are starting out or just want to enjoy a simple, fun class. Basic, low impact moves at an easy to follow pace.
- Available at LeisureFit Melville
- Class duration 45 minutes
ACTIVE CIRCUIT Designed for the more mature adult, this group circuit based class will increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance, balance and flexibility.
- Available at LeisureFit Melville
- Class duration 45 minutes
FOREVERFIT STRENGTH Designed for the more mature adult, Forever Fit Strength is a great resistance workout aimed at improving fitness, strength, mobility, balance and coordination.
- Available at LeisureFit Melville
- Class duration 55 minutes
TEENFIT Fitness sessions for youth aged 12 to 16 years. TeenFit runs during school terms offering five sessions per week in the Group Training Studio at LeisureFit Melville.
TeenFit offers an individual program for each participant to complete during our fully supervised sessions. Each participant will receive a personalised assessment and program in their first session. Our personal trainers will also introduce participants to safe practices, various training equipment, weight and cardio machines.
Session Times:
- Daily Monday to Friday - 4.30pm to 5.30pm
- $112.50 (based on one session per week for a 10 week term) with the option to enrol in more than one session. Upfront or fortnightly direct debit payment options available. Fortnightly payments are debited throughout the duration of the term.
TeenFit is suitable for all fitness levels as the program is tailored to individual needs. Contact us on 9364 0800 or enrol online.
We offer a range of fitness activities for teenagers at LeisureFit across our Melville and Booragoon centres. Find out more about TeenFit
YOUTHFIT Play-based fitness sessions for kids aged eight to 12 years. YouthFit runs during school terms in our Group Fitness Studio at LeisureFit Melville.
In a safe and fun environment, our personal trainers introduce participants to safe practices, various training and body weight exercises plus exposure to a fitness class environment.
Session Times:
- Tuesday and Thursday - 3.45pm to 4.30pm
- $112.50 (based on one session per week for a 10 week term). Upfront or fortnightly direct debit payment options available. Fortnightly payments are debited throughout the duration of the term.
YouthFit is suitable for all fitness and ability levels as the program is tailored and age appropriate. Contact us on 9364 0800 or enrol online.
We offer a range of fitness activities for youth and teenagers at LeisureFit across our Melville and Booragoon centres. Find out more about YouthFit
TEENCYCLE Using an indoor stationary bike, participants will be led through a number of terrains such as hills, flats and mountains. Sessions will include an introduction to indoor cycling, bike set-up and a cardio workout where participants are able to go at their own pace. With upbeat tunes, an exciting in-studio experience, riders will find some fitness fun. TeenCycle runs during school terms every Saturday in the Cycle Studio at LeisureFit Booragoon.
Session Times:- Tuesdays 4.00pm to 4.45pm or Saturdays 10.00am to 10.40am
- $112.50 (based on one session per week for a 10 week term) Upfront or fortnightly direct debit payment options available. Fortnightly payments are debited throughout the duration of the term.
Suitable for teens aged 12 to 16 years and all fitness/ability levels. Contact us on
9364 0800 or
enrol online.
We offer a range of fitness activities for youth and teenagers at LeisureFit across our Melville and Booragoon centres.
Find out more about TeenCycle DANCEFIT DanceFit Kids is a program that teaches kids dance moves through a range of different styles. Our emphasis, as with all of our children's programs, is fun and fitness, whilst also building confidence, creativity and coordination. DanceFit runs during school terms in our Group Fitness Studio at LeisureFit Melville.
Session Times: - Under 6 (Kindy and Pre-primary) Saturdays 11.00am to 11.45am
- Under 8 (Year 1 and 2) Saturdays 12noon to 12.45pm
- Under 10 (Year 3 and 4) Saturdays 1.00pm to 2.00pm
- $112.50 per term (based on one session per week for a 10 week term). Upfront or fortnightly direct debit payment options available. Fortnightly payments are debited throughout the duration of the term.
YouthFit is suitable for all fitness and ability levels as the program is tailored and age appropriate. Contact us on
9364 0800 or
enrol online.
We offer a range of fitness activities for youth and teenagers at LeisureFit across our Melville and Booragoon centres.
Find out more about DanceFit BOXFIT Utilise and build through a variety of striking patterns and combinations to improve your anaerobic capacity. Coaches will prescribe additional strength and conditioning methods, providing a structured approach to training.
- Available at LeisureFit Melville
- Class duration 45 minutes
- Participants to supply their own gloves
TEENREFORMER TeenReformer uses the Reformer machine to help teens strengthen their core, enhance flexibility and increase body awareness - all in a fun and engaging environment. Guided by our experienced instructors, participants will master the Reformer machine, build healthy habits, boost their confidence and connect with peers in a supportive group setting. TeenReformer runs during school terms in our Reformer Studio at LeisureFit Melville.
Session Times:- Mondays 4.00pm to 4.45pm, Wednesdays 4.30pm to 5.15pm or Thursdays 4.00pm to 4.45pm
- $161.50 (based on one session per week for a 10 week term). Upfront or fortnightly direct debit payment options available. Fortnightly payments are debited throughout the duration of the term.
Suitable for teens aged 12 to 17 years and all fitness/ability levels. Contact us on
9364 0800 or
enrol online.
We offer a range of fitness activities for youth and teenagers at LeisureFit across our Melville and Booragoon centres.
Find out more about TeenReformer