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Wireless Hill Museum

Learn about Melville's rich history at the Yagan Mia Wireless Hill Museum. Find out where we are, how to contact us and all about our upcoming activities.

About Wireless Hill Museum

Yagan Mia Wireless Hill Museum is situated within a large area of natural bushland in Ardross. The museum showcases Melville's significant and fascinating history. The museum hosts regular curated exhibitions, diverse talks and events, and Museum Learning Programs.

The country the museum is located on was and always will be a site of significant importance to the traditional owners of the land. Yagan Mia was a place of communication, a food gathering area and there are medicinal plants only for women.

Yagan Mia is named for the Noongar leader and resistance fighter Yagan. During the City of Melville's Place Names project, Noongar elders decoded the name beyond the life of Yagan to its original meaning - Place of the long-necked turtle (yaakin).   

There are three heritage-listed buildings on the site. The museum is located within the old engine room of the original Wireless Station established in 1912. The Applecross Wireless Station was one of Australia’s first links with radio technology, used for telecommunications during World War I and World War II. Using Morse Code, the Station communicated with ships off the Australian coast using a mast that was 120 meters tall.

The museum opened in 1979 and began as a repository of telecommunications-related equipment. Today, it exists to tell the story of Melville and its surrounds including Melville's important place in the history of communications in WA.

Wireless Hill Museum update

Wireless Hill Museum is entering a period of rest as we look to uncover more stories for you from the Collections. The museum will be closed to the public from Saturday, 21 December 2024 through to wildflower season in the latter half of 2025. 

The team led by Museum Curator and Creative Lead Kate Parker will be working away behind the scenes and look forward to resuming programming with a new exhibition to be announced next year.

Yagan Mia Wireless Hill Park will remain open to the public and visitors will still be able to use the facilities including the walking and heritage trails, nature playspace, toilets and BBQs.

Visit the Yagan Mia Wireless Hill Park page to find out more.

Contact Us

Opening Hours

Wednesday to Sunday, 10.00am to 4.00pm


Wireless Hill Museum is in Yagan Mia Wireless Hill Park, Telefunken Drive (extending from Almondbury Road), Ardross.

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