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Design Review Panel

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All major developments over $10 million which have been lodged with the City or the Development Assessment Panel for consideration are automatically referred to our Design Review Panel for review and feedback. The recommendations and advice from the Design Review Panel will be taken into account as part of our consideration of the proposal.

City of Melville Design Review Panel

The Design Review Panel consists of a pool of eight design professionals, an academic and a community member.

In general, the Design Review Panel reviews major developments however they may also review smaller applications where these are complex in nature or are likely to benefit from a design review process. The Design Review Panel also provides advice on:

  • structure plans
  • activity centre plans
  • planning strategies
  • local planning policies
  • local development plans
  • precinct plans
  • design guidelines
  • amendments to the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 6
  • other matters relating to design of buildings and places

The purpose of the panel is to provide independent, expert advice on the design quality of the proposed development to the applicant, City officers, Council and the decision maker, to encourage innovative, high-quality designs that meet the needs of all stakeholders and the community.

Pre-lodgement Assessments

We encourage applicants to discuss their proposal with the Design Review Panel before lodging a planning/development application. Early pre-lodgement discussions can reduce the risks and costs associated with poor design, as any design weaknesses are identified early. It also helps to improve the overall quality of the design and smooth out the development approval process.

We encourage applicants to attend the Design Review Panel meeting in person to make a brief presentation on the key aspects of the proposal, answer any questions and receive feedback. In many cases applications are presented to the Design Review Panel more than once before they are lodged.  Following each meeting, the Design Review Panel will provide the applicant with feedback, using a traffic light system consistent with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage’s Design Review Guide. This demonstrates which design elements have been addressed satisfactorily and which require further consideration.

Contact our planning team to organise a pre-lodgement assessment.

It is often necessary for the proposal to be presented to the Design Review Panel for final endorsement when the development application is lodged. The Design Review Panel is not a decision maker, however its recommendations will be taken into account to assess the proposal.      

For more information about design review panels, download and read the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage’s Design Review Guide and our Local Planning Policy LPP1.2 ‘Design Review Panel’.

Is there a fee for Design Review Panel advice?
No. This is a free service.
Is the Design Review Panel independent?
Yes. This is a key principle of effective design review as it ensures that conflicts of interest do not arise.
Who attends the Design Review Panel meetings?
Design Review Panel meetings are not open to the public and can only be attended by applicants, the Design Review Panel members and members of our planning team.
What information do I need to provide to the Design Review Panel?

At the pre-lodgement stage, it is appropriate for concept designs to be presented to the Design Review Panel for consideration. These concept plans may include a site plan, indicative floor plans and elevations and supporting materials such as an indication of materials and finishes.

As the proposal progresses through the design review process the information provided needs to be more detailed to enable a more thorough analysis.

Presentations to the Design Review Panel by applicants should be limited to 5-10 minutes, concentrating on the key design aspects and the taking into account the 10 design principles in State Planning Policy 7.0 Design of the Built Environment.

What design principles does the Design Review Panel consider?

The Design Review Panel considers a variety of principles, including but not limited to:

  • Context and character
  • Landscape quality
  • Built form and scale
  • Functionality and build quality
  • Sustainability
  • Amenity
  • Legibility
  • Safety
  • Community
  • Aesthetics

These principles are drawn from State Planning Policy 7.0 Design of the Build Environment (SPP7.0), which were developed from well-recognised national and international precedents and adjusted to the Western Australian context.

Do I have to take on-board advice from the Design Review Panel?
The Design Review Panel is not a decision maker however its recommendations will be taken into account as a part of the assessment of the proposal by the DAP.

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