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Construction Management Plans

The construction process associated with major development across our city can be disruptive particularly for those people who live or work close by. While we cannot remove all of the impacts of construction, we aim to ensure negative impacts are minimised through good management processes. Find out more below. 

About Construction Management Plans

A Construction Management Plan (CMP) is a document which outlines the methods to be used during the construction process to;

  • minimise the amenity impact on surrounding landowners and occupiers;
  • deal with relevant environmental considerations
  • ensure clear communication and effective complaints management; and
  • to protect City assets.

A construction management plan is required for all major projects, being those with more than 10 dwellings or 2000sqm of commercial floorspace. We may require the preparation of a CMP for other projects on a case by case basis. Where a construction management plan is required we will include this as a condition of development approval.

Construction Management Plan Template

You will need to include the following information on your construction management plan:

  • stakeholder engagement and complaints management;
  • asset management, including dilapidation reports, tree protection, road and footpath obstruction, parking for worksite personnel and deliveries.
  • Environmental management including but not limited to work hours, control of sand and dust, and lighting.

Construction Management Plan Template

Submit your Construction Management Plan

Please complete the construction management template and attach all relevant documents in an email to

If the total size exceeds 10mb the documents will need to be submitted using a large file transfer system such as sharepoint.


The Construction Management Plan should be lodged a minimum of 30 days before the start of development. 

We aim to review the information provided and will let you know if any further information is necessary within 10 working days of lodgement. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if construction activity is impacting me?
All major development in our City has an approved construction management plan. If construction activity is impacting you we encourage you to contact the site supervisor in the first instance as they are best placed to respond to your concerns and make relevant modification. The builder should also have a process in place to escalate your concerns.
If the builder does not respond or you feel the response is inadequate please lodge a compliance request.
How is a Construction Management Plan enforced?
The responsibility for complying with the CMP on a daily basis rests with the builder and associated personnel however failure to comply with the approved CMP may result in compliance action by us.
For more information regarding the compliance process please refer to the Planning and Building Compliance page.
Construction workers are parking on my street, what can I do?
It is legal for residents and visitors, including construction workers to park their vehicles on the street as long as this is being done in accordance with relevant street signage and local laws. Residents should contact the City when they see vehicles parked in contravention of the parking restrictions for Rangers to action. It is worth noting that the City has dedicated parking officers working within the Canning Bridge precinct and the Murdoch TAFE and Hospital precinct, taking the necessary enforcement action as required

As part of the construction management plan, builders are expected to identify areas where the available parking is located and measures to be employed to encourage personnel to use active transport options.  

Current Construction Management Plans

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