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Youth Events and Resources

Find out what events, activities, and opportunities we have for young people in our City, we also send our regular updates via our eNews.

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Activities and Programs for Young People

We run a variety of events and activities in our community for young people, see all of our ongoing programs for young people below.

Please Note: The Leeming Skate Park project was completed ahead of schedule and opened Thursday, 24 August 2023.

participants of the phaze program


Our urban art painting program, PHAZE, is free for young people aged 12 to 25. This program gives young people the opportunity to get creative with other like minded painters and is lead by a professional urban artist. Find out more about PHAZE.

Libraries Programs for Young People

Our libraries run a variety of programs, events and activities for young people to get involved in. They also offer a quiet space for you to get any homework or study done. See more information about Libraries in our City.

LeisureFit Programs and Classes Young People

LeisureFit offers a variety of fitness classes specifically for teens and young people. Come along and meet other young people and participate in a fun youth fitness class at LeisureFit.

Opportunities to Have Your Say

Youth Steering Group

Our Youth Steering Group gives young people in our community the opportunity to collaborate, come together and make the City a better place for young people. We have monthly catch ups to brainstorm and workshop ideas. Apply for the Youth Steering Group and find out more.

Give Us Your Feedback

We are always looking for ways in which we can engage with young people and develop programs and events specifically for you!

Give Feedback or Suggestions

Have you attended any of our youth events and want to give us feedback?

Give Feedback on Youth Events

Youth Strategy

The Directions from Young People is our key informing document for how and why we work with young people. It includes direct input from our young residents so they can guide us on how we work with the community. Read the Directions from Young People Strategy.

WA Youth Services Directory

The Directory hosts information on all kinds of youth services across the state. It includes helpful resources and information on things like housing and accommodation, emergency food relief, psychology services and more. See the WA Youth Services Directory.

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