Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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Our 2023 - 2024 Key Actions Report is now available to read!

The intention of this report is to have a look at what we achieved during June 2023 - July 2024. It doesn't include all of the actions in the Directions from Young People Strategy (DFYP) 2022 - 2025, but just some ones we are particularly excited about sharing. It also is a chance for you, as a young person to hold us accountable to what we have and haven’t done - so if you have questions, ask us!

Read the 23/24 report and find out more here
Key Actions Report: 2022 -2023

The intention of this report is to have a look at what we achieved during June 2022 - July 2023. It doesn't include all of the actions in the Directions from Young People Strategy (DFYP) 2022 - 2025, but just some ones we are particularly excited about sharing. It also is a chance for you, as a young person to hold us accountable to what we have and haven’t done - so if you have questions, ask us!

Read the 22/23 report and find out more here

Directions from Young People

The 2022-2025 Directions from Young People Youth Strategy is a road map to help us deliver initiatives and plans in partnership with young people that support their health, wellbeing, and connection to community.

Thanks to input from 563 young people, four focus areas were identified:

  • Youth Focus
  • Wellbeing
  • Communication
  • Making a Difference

This new strategy was developed by YACWA, who worked with us throughout the project.

 View the Directions from Young People Strategy

  • What are the demographics of our 563 survey respondents? 51% aged 18 to 25. 49% aged 12 to 17. 64% female. 34% male. 2% non-binary or gender diverse.What are the demographics of our 563 survey respondents? 51% aged 18 to 25. 49% aged 12 to 17. 64% female. 34% male. 2% non-binary or gender diverse.
  • 19% LGBTIQA+. 17% culturally and linguistically diverse. 19% live with a mental health difficulty.19% LGBTIQA+. 17% culturally and linguistically diverse. 19% live with a mental health difficulty.
  • 7% live with a disability. 5% are First Nations people. 5% are carers or parents.7% live with a disability. 5% are First Nations people. 5% are carers or parents.
  • What key issues do our local young people care about? 🌡️ Climate change 🧠 Mental health 💪 Body image 🤯 School or study stressWhat key issues do our local young people care about? 🌡️ Climate change 🧠 Mental health 💪 Body image 🤯 School or study stress
  • What are the demographics of our 563 survey respondents? 51% aged 18 to 25. 49% aged 12 to 17. 64% female. 34% male. 2% non-binary or gender diverse.
  • 19% LGBTIQA+. 17% culturally and linguistically diverse. 19% live with a mental health difficulty.
  • 7% live with a disability. 5% are First Nations people. 5% are carers or parents.
  • What key issues do our local young people care about? 🌡️ Climate change 🧠 Mental health 💪 Body image 🤯 School or study stress
Peer researchers back row - Georgia, Amy, Josh, Ollie and front row - Tsige, Sarah, Tamara and Taleesha.

Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia

YACWA is the peak non-government youth organisation in Western Australia. They operate primarily as a human rights organisation that seeks to address the exclusion of young people in a rapidly changing society.

YACWA’s continued vision for Western Australia is one that celebrates and engages young people in all aspects of the community. Their role is to strengthen the trust, cooperation, collaboration; professionalism and voice of the non-government youth service sector to better serve the young people of Western Australia.

Image: Our peer researchers who assisted in the DFYP survey.
Back row - Georgia, Amy, Josh, Ollie
Front row - Tsige, Sarah, Tamara and Taleesha.

The Directions from Young People is our key informing document for how and why we work with young people. It includes direct input from our young residents so they can guide us on how we work with the community.

Apply for the Youth Steering Group

Our Youth Steering Group is currently at capacity and we cannot accept any new members. However, you are welcome to complete a form as an expression of interest and we will get in touch.

Successful applicants will:

  • Earn $25/hour for work at the monthly meetings
  • Receive a Certificate of Participation and references (great for the CV!)
  • Give input to decision making and make a difference in the community
Find out more and apply

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