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Compost bin and worm farm rebates

About the compost bin & worm farm rebates

We offer a rebate to City of Melville residents for the cost of purchasing a compost bin or a worm farm (including worms). Terms and conditions apply.

  • $50 is rebated for compost bins (including compost tumblers, bokashi bins and  pet waste composters)
  • $75 is rebated for worm farms and worms

Before purchasing, find out the right composting system for you and further FAQs below. We also strongly recommend you attend a worm farming workshop to learn how to maintain and care for your worms. Check our events calendar for any upcoming workshops.

Apply for the compost bin and worm farm rebate

Terms and conditions

  • You may purchase the compost bin or worm farm from any retailer.
  • You must submit your application within six (6) months of purchase. You may reapply for the rebate every three years from your previous application.
  • The rebate covers a compost bin OR worm farm. You cannot apply for both.
  • A photo/scanned copy of your purchase receipt must be provided for your application.

  • A photo/scanned copy of your proof of residency within the City of Melville (e.g. rates notice, driver’s licence, utility bill) must be provided for your application.

  • We have a set budget for these rebates each financial year. Once the budget is exceeded, we cannot issue further rebates until the next financial year.

  • Refunds will be processed by EFT or cheque within 8 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which compost bin or worm farm is right for me?
  • Compost bin: for those who have an outdoor garden and want compost for their plants. Needs a good balance of carbon (shredded paper, dry garden organics) nitrogen (food scraps, green garden organics), aeration and moisture to perform efficiently. Available in either stationary or tumbler systems. Stationary systems require contact with the soil and allow worms to come up from the ground to aid the composting process. A tumbler system is a great option for people with limited space or those looking for an ergonomic option that limits bending and lifting, though it requires regular manual turning.
  • Bokashi bin: for those who have less garden space. The compact design lets you use the system in your kitchen, breaking down all food and garden organics quickly, with the aid of a bran (with microorganisms). This produces small amounts of bokashi juice and compost. Requires a place to put the Bokashi juice and compost e.g. digging a hole, putting in pot plants or via ShareWaste. For more information visit the bokashi website.
  • Pet waste composter by EnsoPet: Suitable for those who have pets, have an outdoor garden and want to return nutrients to the soil. The alternative for disposing pet poo is in the FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) bin. Please note: suitable for composting pet poo only. This is not suitable to apply on edible gardens. For more information visit the bokashi website.
  • Worm farm: suitable for those who want worm castings and liquid fertiliser for their garden, and have a shaded place either outdoors or indoors for the farm. Certain things are not suitable, such as meat scraps and bones, dairy, citrus, onions and garlic. We strongly advise you attend a worm farming workshop to learn the system before purchasing.
How many times can I claim this rebate?
You can claim the rebate once every three years (dated from the time of your previous successful rebate application). This policy may change in future depending on budget and program reassessmment.
Is it better to home compost, or use the FOGO bin?
It's better to compost at home for several reasons. Home composting can build great habits around earthcycling, gardening, and managing food waste. It also allows you to enrich your soil without needing to spend money on other products.

If you can't manage to home compost, the FOGO bin is still a great (but second best) option for food and garden scraps.
Is there some way to collect / give away food scraps from other people to be composted?
Yes! ShareWaste is a platform which connects locals with food scraps to locals who compost! Compatible with Bokashi Bin systems.

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