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Reusable product and nappy rebates

Cloth nappy rebate

Residents can receive a 50% rebate for the purchase or hire of modern cloth nappies (to a maximum rebate of $100).

How to apply for the cloth nappy rebate

See eligible items and conditions below and view our guide to modern cloth nappies. After attending one of our cloth nappy workshops, click the button and follow these instructions: hover over 'All Requests' and select 'New Request'. Select 'Waste' then select ''Cloth Nappy Rebate' and follow the prompts.Click on the link below and you'll be prompted to:

  • Search for your City of Melville address
  • Upload a copy of your receipt (clearly demonstrating purchase of eligible items) and your proof of residence within the City (e.g. driver’s license or utility bill)
  • Provide your bank details for payment.

Apply for the cloth nappy rebate
Eligible items for cloth nappy rebates
  • All-in-two nappies
  • Pocket nappies
  • Night nappies
  • Swim nappies
  • Terry towelling/prefold nappies
  • Toddler training pants
  • Cloth nappy repair
  • Inserts, boosters and fasteners (when purchased with nappies)
Conditions of applying for a cloth nappy rebate
  • Rebate applies to eligible items only. Shipping and GST are not rebatable, and will be discounted.
  • The maximum rebate amount is $100
    • e.g. 50% of a $250 (minus gst) spend will rebate $100, not $125
    • e.g. 50% of a $80 (minus gst) spend will rebate $40
  • Applicants must provide proof of City of Melville residency (recent bill, rates notice, license)
  • Applicants must attend an eligible Cloth Nappy Workshop within six months of applying
  • Applications must be submitted within six months of purchase or hire of cloth nappy items
  • Cloth nappy rebate can only be received once, regardless if you received the full $100 or not.
  • you will receive your rebate via EFT to your nominated bank account within 4 to 6 weeks. Rebates cannot be given in the form of cash or cheque.

Reusable menstrual product rebate

Residents can receive a 50% rebate for the purchase of reusable menstrual products (to a maximum rebate of $50). See eligible items and conditions below.

How to apply for the reusable menstrual product rebate

See eligible items and conditions below. Then click the button below and follow these instructions: hover over 'All Requests' and select 'New Request'. Select 'Waste' then select ' Reusable Menstrual Products Rebate' and follow the prompts.

Click on the link below and you'll be prompted to:

  • Search for your City of Melville address
  • Upload a copy of your receipt (clearly demonstrating purchase of eligible items) and your proof of residence within the City (e.g. driver’s license or utility bill)
  • Provide your bank details for payment.
Apply for the reusable menstrual product rebatE
Eligible items for reusable product rebates
  • Reusable menstrual cups
  • Reusable menstrual pads
  • Reusable menstrual underwear
Conditions of applying for a reusable product rebate
  • Rebate applies to eligible items only. Shipping and GST are not rebatable, and will be discounted.
  • The maximum rebate amount is $50
    • e.g. 50% of a $150 (minus gst) spend will rebate $50, not $75
    • e.g. 50% of a $80 (minus gst) spend will rebate $40
  • Applicants must provide proof of City of Melville residency (recent bill, rates notice, license)
  • Applications must be submitted within six months of purchase or hire of cloth nappy items
  • Rebate can only be received once, regardless if you received the full $50 or not.
  • You will receive your rebate via EFT to your nominated bank account within 4 to 6 weeks. Rebates cannot be given in the form of cash or cheque.

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