Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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How Your Business Can Help

How to ensure your business enables people living with dementia to lead a full and independent a life as possible

Dementia affects behaviour, thinking, and the ability to perform everyday tasks.

With funding received from the Department of Communities, the City worked with Melville Theatre Company and Mind The Change Inc. to produce three videos that each depicts a scenario of a person living with dementia out in the community.

Watch the videos and take the quiz to gain a greater understanding of dementia, and find out what businesses can do to help people living with dementia lead as full and independent a life as possible.

Dementia can affect mood and behaviour. Watch this short video to find out how to effectively communicate with people living with dementia.
Dementia can affect decision making. Watch this short video to find out how to effectively communicate and respond to people living with dementia.
Dementia can affect problem solving skills. Watch this short video to find out what can be done to assist people living with dementia.

Take this quiz to test your knowledge about dementia, and to find out what businesses can do to improve the experience for their customers who may be living with dementia

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