How to Dispute the Gross Rental Value
If you wish to object to the Gross Rental Value for your property, please contact the Valuer Generals Office.
You can lodge an objection online via Landgate, or contact them by phone on 9273 7373.
The City of Melville is not authorised to alter property valuations except on the advice of the Valuer Generals Office.
Objections must be lodged within 60 days of the rate notice being issued.
This process is only for objections to the Gross Rental Value allocated to a property, not the rate in the dollar.
How to Have Your Say on the 'Rate in the Dollar'
Each year the City of Melville prepares a budget to cover expected expenses.
In May each year, a notice is placed in the paper stating and seeking comment on the proposed 'Rate in the Dollar'.
This notice contains a cut-off date for feedback. During this time you can have your say regarding the City's budget and the associated rates you will be required to pay for services.
Once the budget and 'Rate in the Dollar' has been accepted by Council, it will be fixed for that financial year.