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eRates Registration

Register to receive your rates notice electronically via eRates and have your rates notice delivered directly to your email.

Not only is it an easy and convenient way to receive your rates notice, you will also help us achieve our sustainability goals through reduced paper, printing, envelopes and postage. 

To sign up for eRates, fill in the form below.

eRates registration form

Things to be aware of when applying

  1. There can be only one email address for each notice
  2. if there is more than one owner of the property and other owner/s apply to receive an electronic notice, the eRates system will, by default, send the notice to the last registered email address
  3. If your registration is received within two weeks of the next rates issue date, you will automatically receive that rates notice by post and will receive your rates electronically in the following year or for the next issue date
  4. If you are not the owner or agent of the property, you are not eligible to register

Updating your eRates details

You can request a change to your eRates details, such as email address or phone number, through our Online Services.

Update your eRates details

Alternatively, contact our friendly rates team on the details below.

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