Meeting Structure
Agenda Briefing Forums and Ordinary Meetings of the Council have the following order of business:
- Management Services
- Corporate Services
- Community Development
- Environment and Infrastructure
- Planning
Please visit
Meeting Dates page for more information.
Meeting Procedures
Members of the public are permitted to observe the Agenda Briefing Forums and Ordinary Council Meetings on the understanding that there must be no interruptions apart from during public question time. Members of the public are not permitted to participate in debate.
About the Agenda Briefing Forum
The Agenda Briefing Forum is a forum for Elected Members to become more informed on matters prior to formal consideration at the Ordinary Meeting of Council. The forums encourage greater open dialogue between Elected Members, officers and members of the public, and allow Elected Members to gain maximum knowledge and understanding of issues prior to presentation at the Ordinary Meetings of Council.
About Council Meeting Voting
Determination of the Recommendation is achieved by being carried or lost. The Chairman will call for a formal vote of the Members (i.e. Carried 6/1).
A mover and seconder is required to adopt, amend or replace a Recommendation. Only Elected Members are eligible to vote on an issue.
Confidential Matters
If there are items of a confidential nature, members of the public will be asked to leave before these matters are discussed.