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Public Question Time

 You are able to ask questions of Council at Ordinary and Special Meetings of Council and Agenda Briefing Forums.  Find out about public question time and how to ask a question below.

About Public Question Time

Public question time allows you to participate in local government by asking questions of the Council in relation to issues affecting the City. It also assists the City in identifying issues of importance to the community and assists the public to be better informed about how the City is governed.

How to Ask a Question

  • You can register your intent to ask a question at a Council meeting by emailing 
  • Questions will generally be dealt with in the order of registrations.
  • Complex questions or those related to matters on the agenda and requiring a response at the meeting are “Questions on Notice” and should be submitted in writing, by the close of business the Tuesday prior to the meeting, or four clear business days prior to the meeting. 
  • Please use this form to submit your question PDF Public Question Time Form and return it via the email to

 To ensure you submit your question on time, view upcoming meeting dates.
Questions at Agenda Briefing Forums or Special Meetings of Council must relate to matters on the agenda. Questions at Ordinary Meetings of Council can be about other topics but must be regarding issues related to or affecting the City.

When asking a question at a meeting, you will need to:
  • provide a written copy of the question; and
  • state your name; and
  • direct your question to the Presiding Member; and
  • ask your question clearly and concisely; and
  • not include any statement other than the minimum information necessary to understand the question; and
  • not provide false or misleading information, or use offensive or derogatory language.

You can use this PDF Public Question Time Form to assist you.  Officers will be available before the meeting commences to register your intent to ask a question (questions will generally be dealt with in the order they are registered) and to collect a copy of your question.

Public Question Time Online Form

Contact Details

This must be the name of a natural person. It cannot be the name of a company, body corporate or unincorporated association. If you are asking on behalf of one of these entities, use the following template '[First name] [last name] on behalf of [company/body corporate/unincorporated association].


Meeting Details

WIll you be in attendance at the Council Meeting to ask your question?

If you answered 'No' to the above question, do you authorise another person to ask your question on your behalf?


Question Details

Please provide any preamble or background information that will help us understand your question. This information should not exceed 500 words.

Please type your question, ensuring it is written as a question and not as a statement or request (max 100 words).

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