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Maintenance of Parks and Reserves

The City of Melville maintains numerous parks and reserves.

On occasions, there may be an issue at a park, such as watering restrictions affecting the park maintenance schedule. Such issues may be out of the City's control, which may affect the state of any park, reserve or environmental area.  For works and projects please see Projects and Road Works.

Check out the links below for more information on:

General Park Maintenance

Our reserve maintenance team take care of the following:

  • Footpaths and walkways (Only in parks and reserves, for other footpaths please visit Road, Paths and Streetscape Maintenance.
  • Mowing 
  • Tree Pruning
  • Firebreaks and Overgrown Vegetation
  • Spraying/Fertilising
  • Tree Removal (only if the tree is dangerous)

To lodge a maintenance request for any of the above, please contact our Customer Service Team on 9364 0666 or lodge an online request.

Playground and Exercise Equipment

The City aims to provide safe equipment within parks that our residents and their families can utilise and enjoy. When a playground equipment piece becomes unsuitable for use, the City may consider the replacement of the Playground. Where possible, the City will aim to provide maintenance of the playground equipment. On occasions a new site for play equipment is identified, either as part of a project such as the old Melville Primary School Park development, or through consultation with community groups.

Check out our popular parks

New, or replacement exercise equipment and repairs may take a few months, due to the tender, approval and fitting process. Playground equipment includes only those items within an area for children to play on (slides, sandpits, climbing rails etc.). Also included are any seats in close proximity to the playground.

To report a problem or request new equipment please contact Customer Service on 9364 0666 or select one of the below online options:-

Report playground or exercise equipment maintenance

Request new equipment


If you have any concerns about reticulation damage on a park, reserve or City of Melville owned building, you can lodge a request for maintenance with Customer Service on 9364 0666 or select one of the below online options:-

Reticulation on a Park, Reserve or Council building

Reticulation on a medium island or Council verge

Our reticulation team is responsible for:

  • Repairing broken sprinklers within parks, reserves and City of Melville owned buildings
  • Sprinklers running at wrong time of the day or for extended increments in time
  • Adjusting reticulation times, for events that conflict with the Watering Schedule

If you would like to know about private watering tips and restrictions, please visit the Water Corporation website.


The City's sumps and Public Access Ways (PAW's), are scheduled for maintenance a minimum of twice a year for mowing and vegetation. The maintenance conducted is seasonally adjusted and takes into account the fire season.

Check out more information on drainage and water quality within the City of Melville.

If you have any concerns, please contact our Customer Service team on 9364 0666, or lodge an online request.

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