Footpath Maintenance Footpath maintenance can involve either an upgrade to an existing footpath or repairs to an existing footpath, as well as red and white crossing guard rails, pram ramps, bollards and drainage pits in footpaths.
Some drainage pits are owned by other companies. Find out who owns a drainage pit by looking for identification on the pit itself:
Public Access Way A public access way is a footpath that runs from one street to another between properties. This area is owned and maintained by the City of Melville.
Maintenance includes brush cutting, pruning of overgrown vegetation, litter removal, weed control, lighting, and footpath damage.
Potholes These are generally caused by a deterioration due to usage, water penetrating the sealed surface and age. To prevent further deterioration, please report a pothole so that the City can act on it as soon as possible.
Roadcrack Sealing Crack sealing works within the City will be prioritised, in conjunction with the road resurfacing program, based on the condition assessment of the road audit, which is conducted every five years.
The works are carried out by a tendered contractor once a year over the period of one month. The City is responsible for monitoring the work to ensure the contractor meets the specifications and safety guidelines.
Road Resurfacing Generally, road resurfacing occurs from road condition surveys conducted every five years by an external consultant. The external consultant is also responsible for carrying out the works and notifying residents at least 10 days before commencement of work. Notification will include timeframes and estimated completion.
The City will send a completion letter once the road resurfacing has reached the practical completion stage, to give residents 10 days to respond to any reticulation damage or other concerns. Any damages reported after the 10 days will be assessed but may not be actioned.
Please note, the City does not remove 'burn outs' left of roads by vandals or hoons.
Line Marking Line marking is used to distinguish car parking bays and road lanes. You can request line marking for any City of Melville owned property such as reserve carparks, general carparks, small local roads, shopping and recreation centres.
Request for cats eyes (illuminates) can also be requested for roads and median strips.
Street Sweeping
The City’s level of service for street sweeping is to achieve a minimum of 4 sweeps annually of all City roads excluding carparks. This equates to once every 3 months and is subject to a number of factors, i.e. weather conditions, mechanical maintenance and breakdowns and operator illness, etc.
Street Signs The City is responsible for the following types of signs:
- Street Names
- Parking Restrictions
- No Stopping/Parking
- Reserve/Park Names
- Community Directional Signs such as Libraries, Sporting Clubs, Post Offices etc.
These City of Melville signs are mounted on round poles.
Main Roads WA are responsible for speed and traffic signs and area usually mounted on yellow poles. Please contact Main Roads WA to report fault or damage to these signs.
Streetscapes Maintenance The City provides maintenance services of streetscapes which includes shopping, hospital, library and community centre precincts, as well as median islands, buffer zones, roundabouts, sumps and public access ways.This work involves:
- Planting of trees and shrubs
- Ongoing plant care including tasks such as mulching, fertilising and watering
- Pruning of trees and shrubs next to and above roads and footpaths to maintain safe vehicle and pedestrian access
- Mowing of turf
- Manual, mechanical and chemical control of weeds
- Litter removal
Verge Maintenance The City encourages residents to mantain the verges that are adjacent to their property with the exception of the following tasks:
- Planting and the ongoing care and maintenance of trees
- Herbicide spraying of footpaths and kerb lines
Please contact Customer Relations if you would like;
- A tree to be planted on the verge adjacent to your property
- You believe a tree on the verge adjacent to your property requires attention
- You do not wish herbicide to be sprayed on the verge adjacent to your property.
The City is responsible for maintenance of trees planted on the verge.
Bike Paths Most of the bike paths around the city are owned and maintained by the City of Melville. If you notice maintenance on these paths is required, please
email us. We will send the request to the right area and get it fixed.