Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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Capital Works Program 2024-2025

Every year we manage approximately $1.5 billion of built assets through a proactive asset renewal and maintenance program. Browse some of our 2024-2025 projects using the interactive map below and see a snapshot of what is happening in your suburb.

The different coloured shaded areas on the map have been included to show our key centres and areas identified in Activity Centre and Structure Plans. These plans provide a long-term vision for these areas and help guide future development to ensure vibrant community hubs where people shop, work, meet, relax and live.

Blue Gum Community Centre Redevelopment ($1,500,000)

Continuation of upgrades including public toilet, and the addition of a nature play area.

New Library Cultural Centre Design Work ($2,400,000)

Detailed design of a vibrant innovative hub of arts, culture, literature and learning for the whole community to enjoy. 

Len Shearer Sports Changeroom Upgrade ($2,000,000)

Construction upgrades to changerooms at Len Shearer Reserve, Booragoon. 

Morris Buzacott Sports Changeroom Upgrade ($528,000)

Continuation of refurbishment of the changerooms at Morris Buzacott Reserve, Kardinya. 

Troy Park Sports Changeroom Upgrade ($1,000,000)

Concept designs and First Nations Engagement to improve facilities at Troy Park, Attadale.

Karoonda Reserve Sports Changeroom Upgrade ($796,594)

Refurbishment and construction to improve changerooms at Karoonda Reserve, Booragoon.

Tompkins Park Design Work ($1,000,000)

External upgrade works at Tompkins Park, Alfred Cove.

LeisureFit Booragoon Pools Refurbishment  ($3,120,000 + $50,420)

Continuation of major refurbishment of the leisure pool, 50 metre pool, changing facilities and replacement of the air conditioning and ventilation systems.

Leeming Recreation Centre Roof Renewal ($2,000,000)

Renewal works for roof, ventilation and electrical system at Leeming Recreation Centre.

Southside BMX Facilities ($530,347)

Construction of a new and permanent amenity building including a kiosk and toilets for Southside BMX Facilities at Bob Gordon Reserve, Bull Creek. 

Grant application and preliminary work for Public Open Space at the Esplanade ($125,000)

Design and installation of a new lighting system along the Esplanade foreshore. 

Majestic Boardwalk Refurbishment ($874,000)

Refurbishment to the boardwalk substructure.

Goolugalup Healthcote Lowerlands Development ($755,782)

Continued progression of the redevelopment of this section of land in Applecross, including Yarning Circle.

Webber Reserve Redevelopment ($772,484)

Continuation of works to redevelop Webber Reserve, Willagee to better suit community usage and needs. 

Ogilvie Streetscape Upgrade ($1,900,000)

Part of the staged renewal works to improve streetscapes within the Canning Bridge Activity Centre.

Melville Community Men’s Shed Modifications ($975,000)

Building modifications to accommodate Myaree Men's Shed.

This list is accurate as of July 2024 and projects may change, be cancelled or delayed. Projects may also still be subject to Council or various regulatory approvals.

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