We have a local planning strategy that describes our long term vision for the future development of the City, and a local planning scheme that is the operational tool to guide development. Find out more below.
In considering how Western Australia will be in the future, the State Government has allocated the City of Melville a target of an additional 10,830 new homes by 2031 on top of the 40,110 homes in existence in 2011. This projected growth reflects our position as an increasingly central locality in the context of the greater Perth region.
Our Local Planning Strategy is our key strategic urban planning document that details our long term vision for accommodating growth. We are committed to achieving our growth targets through planning for additional homes in our activity centres and along transport corridors to allow minimal change to the suburban areas that characterise our City as desired by our community.
Key principles of the strategy include:
- Managing transition from a City-wide ‘suburban’ environment to a mix of ‘urban’ areas while protecting our established residential suburbs.
- Allowing for a range of housing types to improve housing choice, affordability and better enable opportunities to ‘age in place’.
- Promoting vibrant activity centres integrated with community facilities and aligned with the transport network.
- Promoting opportunities for new businesses and local employment opportunities.
- Supporting viable public transport corridors and active transport that connect our community in a safe and efficient manner.
- Protecting and enhancing our wetlands, native bushland, the Swan and Canning Rivers and foreshores and public spaces.
- Enhancing and maintaining our places of heritage significance.
The strategy is a vision for the next 20 years and beyond though must be reviewed every ten years. Our strategy was adopted in 2016 and the next review is due to commence in 2026.
Our Local Planning Scheme No.6 is the primary statutory document of our planning framework. It describes the zoning of land within the City, specifies where particular land uses are permitted and sets how development is intended to occur.
The scheme details the procedures and processes to be followed in order to complete, lodge and consider an application for development consent, establishes rights of appeal and development advertising processes etc.
Specific aims of our scheme include:
- Planning for future population growth and demographic change
- Preserving the environment and local heritage
- Providing open space and recreation opportunities
- Supporting economic growth
- Providing adequate services for the community
- Enhancing transport and infrastructure
A scheme has a life of between five to 10 years, and must be reviewed every five years. Our scheme was adopted in 2016 and the next review is due to commence in 2021.
Local Planning Scheme No. 6 - Review
To ensure Local Planning Schemes continue to reflect community needs and address metropolitan planning strategies and policies, the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 requires all local governments to review their local planning scheme every five years. The City’s Local Planning Scheme No.6 was adopted in 2016 and therefore the City commenced review of the scheme in 2021.
Scheme reviews typically take several years to finalise and there will be a number of phases that will include community consultation throughout the review process. To keep up to date on the progress of the scheme review please visit the https://www.melvillecity.com.au/our-city/connect-with-us/melville-talks/engagements/local-planning-scheme-6-review