The refund will be completed within five weeks if the inspection is passed. You will be kept informed along the way of the progress of your refund by email.
If your refund application is declined, we will provide you with an opportunity to make good any damage. After completing any necessary repairs, you will need to resubmit a new verge bond refund application form.
Failure to make good any damage may result in us undertaking the necessary reinstatement works and using the bond amount to recover all or part of these costs.
If the bond is not sufficient to cover the cost, we will issue an invoice to the property owner/builder/applicant to recover the remaining cost. This includes rectification works for damage to City assets by service authorities connected with the building/demolition work (e.g. gas, water, electricity and other providers). If damaged City assets are not reinstated within the specified timeframe, a penalty may apply.
If your verge needs to be reinspected after failing an inspection, you will need to pay another $100 reinspection fee which will be deducted from the verge bond.