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Graffiti Management and Removal


The City has a number of actions in place to address graffiti vandalism in our City, but crime prevention is everyone’s business and we all have a role to play. 

What Should I Do If I See Graffiti?

You should report all graffiti for prompt removal as soon as you can. You can report graffiti for removal in the City of Melville on our 24 hour graffiti maintenance line on 1800 626 119 or lodge a request. Please note we do not remove scratch graffiti, which is anything etched into a surface e.g. a window. 

If the graffiti isn’t in the City of Melville, or you’re not sure if it is in the City of Melville you can report it online at the WA Police Goodbye Graffiti webpage.

If you see an offence in progress, or are a victim of graffiti vandalism call the Police Communication Centre on 131 444.

What Can I Do to Manage Graffiti in My Community?

Crime prevention is everyone’s business and there is lots you can do to achieve our shared vision of a Safer Melville.

PHAZE Youth Urban Art

PHAZE is the City of Melville's FREE legal urban art painting program and gives you the opportunity to develop your spray painting skills with a professional Urban Artist. PHAZE provides a free, safe and legal opportunity for artistic expression for young urban artists. Eight sessions are held across the City from September to April with all materials are provided along with sunscreen, water and lunch.

Tagger Tim's Troubles

Check out our Safer Melville video about Graffiti.

  • Report Graffiti
  • Remove Graffiti
  • Prevent Graffiti

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