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Resources for People with Disability

Find helpful resources and information to connect you with services and facilities that are helping people with disability in our community.

Accessible and Inclusive Activities and Events

We aim to ensure our community events and activities are accessible and inclusive for everyone. If you have specific access requirements and would like to check the details for any event with our team, please get in contact with us. 

See all upcoming activities and events


Our ActiveLink program supports eligible residents of all ages and abilities to connect with their community through sport and leisure activities. Applications are accepted year-round, with financial support for people who face barriers to participation in the community. Find out more information and how to apply to ActiveLink.

Accessible Facilities

Ability Heroes

Ability Heroes provides a directory of accessible friendly locations and services. You can also volunteer your time to help Ability Heroes keeping their content up to date. Find out more through Ability Heroes.

Accessible Australia 

Accessible Australia provides a free online resource that gives you the ability to search your area to see what accessible facilities are offered, as well as plan outings and travel with confidence. You can also add your own personal reviews of your favourite accessible locations. See Accessible Australia for more information.

ACROD Parking Permits

People with Disability can apply for an ACROD parking permit through the National Disability Services ACROD website. See the ACROD website for further information.

An Australian Disability Parking Permit entitles holders to use ACROD parking bays within the City. Please ensure that your permit is clearly displayed inside the windscreen of the vehicle.

In general parking bays ACROD permit holders have concessions equivalent to twice the time specified on the parking sign (for example 2P means you can stay for four hours). A valid permit must be displayed.

National Public Toilet Map

The National Public Toilet Map provides information on where you can find accessible toilets and Changing Places near you. See the National Public Toilet Map.

Changing Places

Changing Places provide suitable facilities for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets. You can find a list of facilities through Changing Places. We have a Changing Places Facility located at Deep Water Point.

Services for People with Disability

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for eligible people with disability find out more through the NDIS websiteThe NDIS provider finder also helps you easily find disability service providers in your area, see the NDIS Provider Finder.


JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers, and service providers. Refer to JobAccess for further information.

Disability Gateway

The Disability Gateway provides information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers to find the support they need. Find out more though Disability Gateway.

WA Companion Card

The Companion Card supports people in Western Australia with significant and permanent disability, who require attendant care support to participate at community venues and events. Find out more about the WA Companion Card.

People with Disabilities WA

People With Disabilities WA, (PWdWA) provides non-legal advocacy to people with disabilities in WA. Find out more about PwDWA.

Advocacy and Support Groups

Every Australian Counts

Made up of hundreds of thousands of people with disability, families carers and those who work to support them, Every Australia Counts comes together to fight for a fair go for people with disability in Australia. Find out more through Every Australian Counts.

Youth Disability Advocacy Network Inc.

Youth Disability Advocacy Network is a leading advocacy organisation and the peak representative body in WA for young people with disabilities. See more information through YDAN.

Kin Disability Advocacy for Diverse Communities

Kin helps people from diverse backgrounds living with disability, their families and carers. Kin helps to fight for your rights, and stands up for equality and justice. Find further information about Kin Advocacy


Proving a range of support services, Synapse works to help those who have been impacted by brain injury and disability. See Synapse for further information. 

Women with Disabilities WA

Women with Disabilities WA (WWDWA) is a non-profit organisation that is run by women with disabilities for women with disabilities and provides feedback to the government on accessible and inclusive plans. Find out more about Women with Disabilities WA.

Mental Health Advocacy Service

To help people who are receiving or have been referred for involuntary mental health treatment, the Mental Health Advocacy Service provides a free support service. See more information about the Mental Health Advocacy Service.

Resources for Family Members and Carers

Find useful information and resource to help support family members and carers for people with disability, seniors and others that need support in our community. See more info on our Resources for Family Members and Carers Page

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan  

Our Disability Access and Inclusion plan guides us in ensuring our City of accessible and inclusive for everybody. We also actively seek feedback from community members and people with disability to ensure our community is accessible and inclusive. See our Access and Inclusion Plan and Engagement Opportunities.

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