Support Services
There are many support services available.
Crisis Care
Crisis Care is a telephone information and counselling service that operates 24 hours, 7 days a week, for people in crisis needing urgent help. Crisis Care can assist when someone needs help to sort out a serious problem, is concerned about the wellbeing of a child, is escaping domestic violence, is homeless, and/or needs counselling, information or other support.
- Phone: 1800 199 008 (free call)
- Crisis Care can also be accessed through the translating and interpreting service on 13 14 50.
For more information visit the Department of Communities website.
Entry Point
Entry Point is a free assessment and referral service for people experiencing homelessness.
- Monday to Friday 9.00am – 7.00pm
- Saturdays 9.00am – 5.00pm
- Phone: 1800 124 684 or 6496 0001
For individuals and families based in Perth, the service offers assessment of individual circumstances on the phone or in person.
The service can:
- provide individuals with information on accommodation and support options to increase their chances of securing accommodation
- if eligible, provide formal referrals to specialist homelessness services and other accommodation or support options
- set up a time for an assessment and then refer to the most eligible appropriate services
- assess individual circumstances of people and families experiencing domestic violence and, if eligible, provide formal referrals to crisis accommodation and support options.
For more information visit Entrypoint Perth.
WA Housing Hub
The WA Housing Hub is run by Shelter WA, and provides information and a list of crisis care accommodation options.
For more information on crisis and supported accommodation visit the WA Housing Hub website.
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy helps people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to find the services they need, including housing, right now and nearby.
For more information visit Ask Izzy.
St Pat’s Community Support Centre Fremantle
St Pat’s Fremantle provides free fresh cooked meals twice daily, Monday to Friday. Fresh fruit, bread and other produce is available daily while a full grocery shop is available on-site once a week, courtesy of their partners. Breakfast is from 7.30am and Lunch is from 11.30am.
Location: 12 Queen Victoria Street Fremantle
9430 4159 Red Cross Soup Patrol Fremantle
The Red Cross Soup Patrol Fremantle provides free evening meals every day.
Phone: 9225 8888
- Beach St Carpak Fremantle. Open 6.00pm
- 100 Hampton Rd (in the car bays). Open 7.00pm
Orange Sky Laundry Fremantle
Orange Sky Laundry Fremantle is a free mobile laundry service for homeless people.
- St Pat’s 12 Queen Victoria St. Open 7.30am – 10.30am
- Pioneer Park. Open 4.30am – 7.00pm
- South Beach, Wilson Park. Open 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Resoures to Support People at Risk of Homelessness
In partnership with Imagined Futures and local governments in Cockburn, Fremantle, the City has developed the Accommodation, Food and Social Support Flyer. This flyer can be printed out and placed in locations where people at risk of homelessness can easily access the information.
Homelessness FAQs