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Drone Use

If you plan to fly a drone within our City please refer to the below, or visit Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) for further information.

About Using Drones in Our City

Drones, also known as Remotely Piloted Aircrafts or unmanned aerial vehicles have certain rules that you need to follow. Any rules surrounding drones are outlined and enforced by CASA. See the drone rules and regulations on the CASA website for further information.  

Report a Drone Complaint

If you’re concerned about the use of drones in your area, or if you've seen a breach of the CASA rules, you can report it to CASA. They will be responsible for resolving any complaints, as they are the ones to enforce drone rules and regulations.

Permits Required

You do not need any permit from us to fly a drone recreationally within our City, but you need to comply with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority rules and regulations.  

Filming Permits

If you are planning to use a drone within our city for any commercial filming you need to apply for, and receive a filming permit from us. See more information about filming in our City

Commercial Drone Use

If you intend to fly your drone for commercial purposes, you will need to register your drone with CASA and obtain the relevant pilot or operating licence.

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