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Myer Foundation Grant Project


The South West Corridor Development Foundation Inc., in conjunction with the Cities of Melville, Fremantle and Canning, and Town of East Fremantle, were successful in securing grant funding of $62,264 from the Sidney Myer Foundation for an Environmental Community Capacity Building project.

The regional bid was one of only two successful grant applications in Western Australia, from a pool of Australia-wide winners.

The grant project will support the activities of 33 community "Friends" groups with over 750 members across the councils, and be carried out over the next two years. Collectively, the four Local Government Areas partnering in this project spend approximately $325,000 per annum supporting the 33 Friends groups in their region.

Activities undertaken as part of the grant will include a large community group expo, a series of training and capacity building workshops, tailored assistance to in-need groups provided by regional landcare organisation SERCUL, and a marketing campaign to actively recruit additional volunteers for groups.

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