A large part of the unique, urban area of the Melville Bird Sanctuary is set against the backdrop of the Perth City skyline, bordering the Swan Estuary Marine Park’s largest and most bio-diverse estuarine area. This area is referred to as the
MBS East Region. The Pt Walter Spit, Blackwall Reach Reserve and Blackwall Reach Parade foreshore up to but not including Bicton Jetty is the
MBS West Region (See MBS Boundaries Map for details).
Both regions attract a variety of bird species, highlighting the significance of conserving urban environments for the benefit of both wildlife and humans.
If all this sounds like something you are interested in, we encourage you to join the Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary (FoMBS) and become an active participant in safeguarding our feathered residents.
For more information about the group and to join, please visit the Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary