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Melville Bird Sanctuary

The Melville Bird Sanctuary was established through collaborative efforts of the Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary in partnership with the Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group (SERAG), the Bicton Environmental Action Group (BEAG), Birdlife WA, City of Melville and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

The Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary is a community group formed in 2020 to advocate for the establishment of a Melville Bird Sanctuary within defined boundaries at Alfred Cove and Pt Walter. This was in recognition of the need to conserve the natural environment and birdlife of these regions – some 147 species of local, nomadic and migratory birds - such as trans-equatorial wading bird species (some of these on the Critically Endangered list) as well as threatened species such as Fairy Terns.

Officially endorsed by the Melville Council and the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions in June 2023, the Melville Bird Sanctuary will stand as a testament to the power of community-driven conservation.
A large part of the unique, urban area of the Melville Bird Sanctuary is set against the backdrop of the Perth City skyline, bordering the Swan Estuary Marine Park’s largest and most bio-diverse estuarine area.  This area is referred to as the MBS East Region.  The Pt Walter Spit, Blackwall Reach Reserve and Blackwall Reach Parade foreshore up to but not including Bicton Jetty is the MBS West Region (See MBS Boundaries Map for details).

Both regions attract a variety of bird species, highlighting the significance of conserving urban environments for the benefit of both wildlife and humans.

If all this sounds like something you are interested in, we encourage you to join the Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary (FoMBS) and become an active participant in safeguarding our feathered residents. 

For more information about the group and to join, please visit the Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary website.
Birds Bird Sanctuary

About the Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary

The mission of Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary is to increase community awareness of birds and their habitats; to protect and strengthen the natural environment, and to provide a sanctuary for and grow the bird population for the benefit of current and future generations.

Initiatives include but are not limited to:
  • Increasing community awareness of local birdlife
  • Organising Birdwatching Walks so community can view birdlife from a safe distance away but also feel the connection with nature
  • Looking out for the safety of birds by reporting and seeking to minimise bird disturbances
  • Advocating for the safety and wellbeing of birds
  • Participating in regular birdcounts at the Melville Bird Sanctuary

Please check the Friends of MBS’ website Calendar for monthly events.
  • Pacific Black Duck with ducklingsPacific Black Duck with ducklings
  • Caspian Terns in foreground with Little Pied Cormorants and Fairy TernsCaspian Terns in foreground with Little Pied Cormorants and Fairy Terns
  • Tawny FrogmouthsTawny Frogmouths
  • Carnaby's Black-CockatoosCarnaby's Black-Cockatoos
  • Black-shouldered KitesBlack-shouldered Kites
  • Red-necked AvocetRed-necked Avocet
  • Common Greenshanks (trans-equatorial migratory birds)Common Greenshanks (trans-equatorial migratory birds)
  • Australian Pelicans in SamphireAustralian Pelicans in Samphire
  • Pied StiltsPied Stilts
  • Black SwansBlack Swans
  • OspreysOspreys
  • Rainbow Bee-eaterRainbow Bee-eater
  • Australian RingnecksAustralian Ringnecks
  • Pacific Black Duck with ducklings
  • Caspian Terns in foreground with Little Pied Cormorants and Fairy Terns
  • Tawny Frogmouths
  • Carnaby's Black-Cockatoos
  • Black-shouldered Kites
  • Red-necked Avocet
  • Common Greenshanks (trans-equatorial migratory birds)
  • Australian Pelicans in Samphire
  • Pied Stilts
  • Black Swans
  • Ospreys
  • Rainbow Bee-eater
  • Australian Ringnecks
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Melville Bird Sanctuary Attadale / Alfred Cove Foreshore Get Directions

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