Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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Kanopy is free for library members. You’ll find more information, including a quick start guide, below.

  • Not a member? Visit our memberships page to learn about the benefits of library membership and how to join.
  • Looking for more online resources? Visit our eLibrary page.


Kanopy is a video streaming platform for library members. Watch online or through the app. Browse and view over 28,000 films and documentaries from top suppliers, including the BBC, Criterion Collection, Ronin Films, Madman Entertainment.

Each title is labelled with a ticket value and access period, and you can use up to eight tickets per month. Once you've started playing a video, you can watch it as many times as you'd like within the access period. Your tickets are updated on the 1st of every month.

Just Getting Started?

Watch our 'How to' videos below or read our Quick Start Guide.

Need Help?

Visit the Kanopy Help Centre or contact library staff.

Kanopy Kids

Kanopy Kids is a section of Kanopy dedicated to children’s programming. Parents can browse educational and engaging videos for children of all ages that promote positive social and emotional development and inspire creativity in young minds. Kanopy has partnered with Common Sense Media™ to provide developmentally appropriate age ratings for videos on Kanopy Kids. Tickets are not required in Kanopy Kids, so you can enjoy unlimited views in the collection for kids.

For more information about Kanopy Kids, including how to set parental controls, visit the Kanopy Help Centre.

How To:

Access Kanopy on Your Android Device

How To:

Access Kanopy on Your Apple Device

Please note: Video streaming services use more internet data than typical web browsing, please check your data allowances before viewing. We recommend connecting to wifi when viewing videos on your mobile device.

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