Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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The Riseley Activity Centre is the bustling precinct surrounding the intersection of Riseley Street and Canning Highway within the suburbs of Ardross and Applecross. The Riseley Activity Centre Structure Plan is the primary guide for development of this precinct.

The Plan has been prepared in consultation with the community to support the revitalisation and growth of the Riseley Centre in line with the outcomes envisaged by the State Government’s strategic planning framework for accommodating future population growth.

It is intended that implementation of the Riseley Activity Centre Structure Plan will act as a catalyst for both private sector and government investment, benefitting visitors, businesses and residents by providing an improved level of amenity, activity and diversity of housing choice and employment.

The key objectives for the Riseley Activity Centre are to:

  • Create an attractive and sustainable activity centre that is a vibrant, desirable and safe place to live, work and socialise;
  • Facilitate viable, enduring and high quality development in the activity centre with an appropriate mix of land uses;
  • Enhance the character, streetscapes and public spaces in the activity centre;
  • Appropriately manage traffic, parking and accessibility issues;
  • Promote a mix of housing choices;
  • Encourage local employment and business opportunities; and,
  • Provide certainty to enable investment decisions to be made with reasonable confidence.

Development Progress

The State Government has allocated the City of Melville a target of providing for an additional 10,830 dwellings by 2031 on top of the 40,110 dwellings in existence in 2011.

As detailed in the City’s Local Planning Strategy, a portion of this growth has been designated within the Riseley Centre which is forecast to yield “an additional 300 dwellings by 2031”.

Development activity has increased within the precinct following the Council’s adoption of the Riseley Activity Centre Structure Plan in 2014.

The following map tracks the progress of each new development within the precinct since 2014. Please click on any of the highlighted properties to find out more information about the development approved on that lot. 

Approved Developments (Map)

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Kearns Crescent Streetscape Upgrade

We’re collaborating with our community to see how we can improve the Kearns Crescent streetscape to meet current and future community needs. See more information and how you can be involved on Melville Talks

To find out what else is happening at the Riseley Centre, visit our Riseley Centre page.


Please see below for Frequently Asked Questions. Click the question to reveal the answer.

Why is there an Activity Centre Plan for the Riseley Centre?

The State Government has developed planning strategies which aim at providing for population growth to 2031 and beyond. In response the Riseley Centre has been identified as well placed to develop into an important strategic centre because of its proximity to the Canning Bridge and Melville City (Booragoon) centres and the access between these centres by high frequency public transport.

What is the vision for the area? What will be achieved?

The key objectives for the Riseley Activity Centre are to:

·         Create an attractive and sustainable activity centre that is a vibrant, desirable and safe place to live, work and socialise;

·         Facilitate viable, enduring and high quality development in the activity centre with an appropriate mix of land uses;

·         Enhance the character, streetscapes and public spaces in the activity centre;

·         Appropriately manage traffic, parking and accessibility issues;

·         Promote a mix of housing choices;

·         Encourage local employment and business opportunities; and

·         Provide certainty to enable investment decisions to be made with reasonable confidence.

Over what timeframe is development anticipated?

This is a long term plan that anticipates development taking place to 2031 and beyond. Over the life of the plan there will be reviews and changes that might occur to respond to future community needs.

When will the plan be reviewed?

Activity Centre Plans are reviewed every ten years. The Riseley Activity Centre Structure Plan was approved in 2014 therefore it is next due for review in 2024.

How is the design quality of developments assessed?

Major developments are assessed by the City’s Design Review Panel that is a group of independent professionals consisting of Architects, Urban Planners and Landscape Architects.


The Design Review Panel considers the design merits of a development application in accordance with the following matters: 

  • Character - a place with its own identity
  • Continuity and enclosure - where public and private space are clearly distinguished
  • Quality of the public realm - a place with attractive and well-used outdoor area
  • Ease of movement - a place that is easy to get to and move through
  • Legibility - a place that is easy to navigate
  • Adaptability - a place that can change easily
  • Diversity - a place with variety and choice
  • Sustainability - environmentally sustainable design
How will development affect traffic congestion?

The regional transport network around Canning Highway and Riseley Street cannot accommodate continued ‘business-as-usual’ growth. The activity centre plan will reduce the impacts of this congestion through providing housing and jobs close to public transport reducing the demand for driving, while improving infrastructure will also encourages mode shift to public transport, cycling and walking.

How is car parking planned for?

The City has prepared Parking Management Plans for the Canning Bridge and Riseley Centres in consultation with local businesses and the community. There is shorter-term, medium-term and long-term actions recommended to improve car parking management and encourage walking/cycling to the centre.

The plans recommend that the City better manage publicly-owned car parking spaces, and that local businesses and landowners take responsibility for managing parking on private land.

For More Information

For more information on the Riseley Activity Centre Structure Plan, please contact the City’s Strategic Urban Planning Team on 1300 635 845.

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