Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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The Murdoch Specialised Activity Centre has the potential to become Western Australia's Health and Knowledge Precinct and one of the largest areas of employment outside of Perth's CBD.

The Murdoch Specialised Activity Centre Structure Plan is a long term plan for the future of Murdoch and sets out the land use and development standards for the area, that has the potential to become the Health and Knowledge Precinct of the Western Australia.

A $100m allocation in the 2017-2018 federal budget now ensures the construction of a southern access to and from the Centre via an extension of Roe Highway and will facilitate access to 100,000 visitors per day to the precinct.

Southern access and egress will also help value capture the $3b development associated with the Murdoch University Master Plan, supporting the precinct to reach its potential for 35,000 jobs, 44,000 students and in excess of 12,500 new residents.

The Structure Plan applies specifically to a 9.6 hectare area adjacent to the south west corner of South Street and the Kwinana Freeway and is intended to facilitate the development of a mix of residential and commercial buildings with the inclusion of a central open space/conservation area.

The Plan provides for the creation of 14 lots with an estimated ultimate yield for the precinct of approximately 1000 dwellings and 33,000 square metres of commercial floor space. Supported by Design Guidelines, the Plan aims to ensure development in the precinct achieves high standards in terms of appearance, form, functionality and innovation.

Find out more about Perth's Newest Health and Knowledge Precinct via Landcorp website:


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