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Request for Copies of a Building Permit or Building Order

Section 129 of the Building Act provides that the City may on application and payment of the prescribed fee ($33.00 inc), provide a copy of a permit or building order kept in the building register.

In exercising the Council Delegation DA-103, staff will advise the permit holder of your application and them seven (7) days to object and provide reasons why a permit h should not be released to a potentially affected property owner.

In making your application you acknowledge that the permit holder will be advised of your application and that you are the applicant.

Please note: if you are not a potentially affect property owner and still wish to apply for documents, you can do so via the Freedom of Information (FOI) process.

Follow the link to the Freedom of Information page.

Requests to inspect or apply for copies of a building permit, building approval certificate or a building order may be granted,  as
defined below to;  
  1. the owner of the building or incidental structure to which the  building record relates;
  2. or  a person who has the written consent of the owner mentioned in paragraph (a), to inspect or received a copy of a building record relating to the owner, or
  3.  person or person(s) defined by Regulation 13 of the Building Regulations 2012, or
  4. a potentially affected property owner. 
Potentially affected property owners (point 4) are defined in diagram 1. and diagram 2. 

What Documents Can Be Requested 

  • Building Permit
  • Occupancy Permit
  • Building Order
  • Demolition Permit
  • Building Approval Certificate

Note: Approved building plans are not provided when applying for Request for  Copy of Bulding Permit or Building Order.

How to Request


When applying online, please submit via  Request for Copies of a Building Permit or Building Order.

In Person

When applying in person, download our  Request for Copies of Building Permit or Building Order PDF form and submit your completed application at the Melville Civic Centre, 10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon. 

Applicable Fee

Payment of $33.00 inc, one application required per property.  

Please read the conditions on the application form prior to submitting.

Note: Approved building plans are not provided when applying for Request for  Copy of Bulding Permit or Building Order.

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