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Being mentally healthy means a sense of wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem, enabling us to fully enjoy and appreciate other people, day to day life and our environment. When we are mentally healthy, we can form positive relationships, reach our potential and deal with life's challenges.

The City's Blue Tree

Have you noticed the blue tree located on Honour Avenue Point Walter?

We painted this dead tree blue in 2020 to support the Blue Tree project, established to help raise awareness around mental wellbeing.

The project originated in Mukinbudin Western Australia in 2018 after friends and family gave a dead tree on their farming property a new life by painting it blue in honour of their friend and family member who died by suicide. After posting a photo of the tree on Facebook, the story went viral, prompting the Blue Tree Project to help raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention. The initiative has since gained traction and numerous suitable trees have been painted blue across Australia and the UK as a reminder to the community to talk about mental health and encourage help seeking behaviour.

Around 45% of Australians aged between 16 and 85 will experience a mental illness at some point in their life. One in five Australian adults will experience a mental illness in any given year.

In WA 4.7% of people have had suicidal thoughts in the last 12 months and 4.9% often or always feel a lack of control over life in general

Only dead trees are coloured using ecofriendly paint and supporters are careful to refer people who contact them to appropriate mental health services.

The concept supports that seeing a blue tree might remind someone that it is OK to feel ‘blue’ occasionally and to talk to those they are close to about their feelings and mental health. The blue tree has become a symbol for hope and helps break down the stigma of mental illness.

Have a look at the project’s website or follow them on Facebook.

Tips for Positive Mental Health

  • Talk about or express your feelings
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthy meals
  • Get enough sleep
  • Spend time with friends and loved ones
  • Develop new skills
  • Relax and enjoy your hobbies
  • Set realistic goals
  • Talk to your GP or a health professional


Keeping mentally healthy is just as important as staying physically healthy and it’s as easy as A-B-C: Act-Belong-Commit.

The City of Melville is a partner in the Mentally Healthy WA Act-Belong-Commit campaign! Act-Belong-Commit is a community based health promotion campaign that encourages people to take action to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

In Australia, one in five people will experience mental illness each year (ABS 2007) A survey of 2,200 West Australians in  2005 indicated that one in four people had visited a doctor, counsellor or psychologist because of a mental health problem and three in four people have known someone with a mental health problem.

Act-Belong-Commit encourages community members to be more mentally, physically and socially active, to join local clubs and organisations and help others.

The City supports positive mental health promotion in the community by:

  • Providing opportunities for people to be mentally and socially active (ACT)
  • Encouraging people to join and actively participate in the organisations activities and those of partner organisations (BELONG)
  • Encouraging people to volunteer and get more broadly involved in community events and environments (COMMIT).

Youth Mental Health

Being mentally healthy relates to your emotional and social wellbeing. When our mental health is good, it is much easier to cope with the stresses in life such as exams, relationship difficulties, pressure from parents, work etc.

There are times in our lives when we aren't able to cope as well and mental health problems may occur. If this happens, there is plenty of help available to support you. A good starting point is the headspace website which provides lots of on-line information as well as people you can talk to. For more information have a look at:

  • Headspace - Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation
  • Reachout - help for young people on lots of issues.

When You Need Help

There is a range of support available in Western Australia, including from medical doctors, mental health nurses and allied health professionals. For more information about the different support available, visit the Mental Health Commission website.

Good mental health for children 3-8 years

What is children’s mental health?

Mental Health is the way children think or feel about themselves and the world around them. It’s related to how children cope with life’s challenges and stresses.

Important Points

  • Good mental health helps your child develop socially, emotionally, mentally and physically.
  • Loving relationships are key to children’s mental health
  • Learning to manage feelings is important to mental health, as are rules and guidelines for behaviour
  • Physical activity and health eating habits build your child’s mental health

When children have good mental health they:

  • Feel happy and positive about  themselves
  • Enjoy life
  • Learn well
  • Have healthy relationships with family and friends
  • Can manage sad, worrying or angry feelings
  • Can bounce back from tough times

Pre-teens (9-11 years)

What is pre-teen and teenage good mental health?

Mental Health describes social and emotional wellbeing and children need good mental health to develop in a healthy way, build strong relationships, adapt to change and deal with life’s challenges.

Pre-teens and teenagers who have good mental health often:

  • Feel happier and more positive about themselves and enjoy life
  • Have healthier relationships with family and friends
  • Do physical activity and eat a healthy diet
  • Get involved in activities
  • Have a sense of achievement
  • Can relax and get a good night’s sleep
  • Feel like they belong to their communities

Adolescence can be a risky period for mental health problems. Teenagers go through many changes and challenges in a short period of time whilst teenage brains are maturing.

Useful Links

For more information about mental health visit the following websites:

  • LifeLine - crisis support and suicide prevention
  • SANE Australia - a national charity working for a better life for people affected by mental illness
  • BeyondBlue - independent, not-for-profit organisation working to increase awareness of depression anxiety and related disorders throughout Australia
  • Act Belong-Commit - community based health promotion campaign which encourages people to take action to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
  • Mensline - support for men with family and relationship concerns.
  • Suicide Callback - support for people at risk of suicide, those concerned for someone and the bereaved.
  • QLife - anonymous and free LGBTI support.
  • Kids Helpline - counselling for 5-25 year olds.
  • headspace - mental health help for 12-25 year olds.
  • Reach Out Australia - online support for young people and help for parents of teens.

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