The Gathering – DVD resource about binge drinking
The Gathering is an educational film about the harms associated with teen drinking and excessive alcohol consumption, targeted towards young people aged 15 to 18.
it reflects the negative aspects of the contemporary teenage drinking culture, providing a powerful tool to support discussion with young people and raise awareness of the acute harms associated with binge drinking including alcohol poisoning, violence and unwanted sex.
The aim of the film is to reduce young people's acceptability of the harms associated with drunkenness and support safer drinking settings. It shows ways to prevent and minimise alcohol related harm and assists in making the decision not to drink alcohol easier.
This film has strong curriculum links to Year 10 Health and Physical Education, Health Studies (Units PAHEA, PBHEA, 1AHEA, 1DHEA) and the Year 10 Viewing Strand of the English Learning Area. Further information is outlined in the accompanying facilitator resource material.