All cats over six months of age must be registered. Cats can be registered for life, three years or one year. All cat registrations expire on 31 October in the year they are due unless registered for life. If your cat is unregistered, you may receive an infringement as all cats must be registered to the council where they are ordinarily kept. As per Cat Act 2011, all cats must be microchipped and sterilised prior to registration.
Penalty: $200
Q: I didn’t know I needed to register my cat; will you withdraw my infringement?
A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. It is your responsibility as the cat owner to ensure you comply with the Cat Act 2011. This includes ensuring your cat is sterilised, microchipped and registered. Rangers will attempt to educate cat owners of their responsibilities prior to issuing infringements.
Q: My cat is registered in another Council but I still received an infringement; will you withdraw my infringement?
A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. Rangers will attempt to educate cat owners of their responsibilities under the Cat Act 2011 prior to issuing infringements. If your cat is currently registered to another Council, this registration can be transferred to the City of Melville free of charge. It is your responsibility as the cat owner to ensure your details remain up to date at all times within sevendays of any changes to this information. To update any information on your pet please use our online Animal Maintenance form.
Q: I didn’t receive an animal registration renewal notice; will you withdraw my infringement?
A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. The City has made several attempts to notify you of the animal registration being due for renewal. A renewal notice was forwarded to you in September. As your pet remained unregistered after the due date, the City contacted you via phone in November, and another reminder notice was also forwarded to you.
Q: My pet is deceased; will you withdraw my infringement?
A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. The City provided several opportunities for you to notify us of changes in your pet’s circumstances. It is the responsibility of the animal owner to notify both the local government and the microchip database company of any changes.
Q: It’s my first animal related offence; can I get off with a warning?
A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. A clear record is not grounds for an appeal regardless of whether you admit fault, request a warning or are of good character.