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Pay or Appeal a Pet Related Fine

Important information you need to know

If you’ve received an animal infringement you have several options. These include:

The following conditions apply to animal infringements:

  • Payment is required within 28 days from the date of issue
  • After 28 days, a final demand notice will be issued which includes an additional late payment fee
  • If payment is not received the infringement will be referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry

More information on the various animal infringements and frequent appeal questions relating to them can be found below.

Dog Related Fines

  • All dogs over three months of age must be registered. Dogs can be registered for life, three years or one year. All dog registrations expire on 31 October in the year they are due unless registered for life. If your dog is unregistered, you may receive an infringement as all dogs must be registered to the council where they are ordinarily kept.

    Penalty: $200, Dangerous Dog: $400

    Q: I didn’t know I needed to register my dog; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. It is your responsibility as the dog owner to ensure you comply with the Dog Act 1976. This includes ensuring your dog is registered and microchipped. Rangers will attempt to educate dog owners of their responsibilities prior to issuing infringements.

    Q: My dog is registered in another Council but I still received an infringement; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. Rangers will attempt to educate dog owners of their responsibilities under the Dog Act 1976 prior to issuing infringements. If your dog is currently registered to another Council, this registration can be transferred to the City of Melville free of charge using our Dog Registration Form. It your responsibility as the dog owner to ensure your details remain up to date at all times within seven days of any changes to this information. To update any information on your pet please use our online Animal Maintenance form.

    Q: I didn’t receive an animal registration renewal notice; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. The City has made several attempts to notify you of the animal registration being due for renewal. A renewal notice was forwarded to you in September. As your pet remained unregistered after the due date, the City contacted you via phone in November, and another reminder notice was also forwarded to you.

    Q: My pet is deceased; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. The City provided several opportunities for you to notify us of changes in your pet’s circumstances. It is the responsibility of the animal owner to notify both the local government and the microchip database company of any changes.

    Q: It’s my first animal related offence; can I get off with a warning?

    A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. A clear record is not grounds for an appeal regardless of whether you admit fault, request a warning or are of good character.

  • Microchipping is a permanent method of being able to identify dogs. The chip is very small and is inserted between the shoulder blades of the animal. In 2013 the Dog Act was amended to require all dogs over three months of age to be microchipped and registered.

    Penalty: $200, Dangerous Dog: $400

    Q: I didn’t know I needed to microchip my dog if it was registered with the Council; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. The Dog Act was amended in 2013 to require dog owners to ensure their dog is microchipped as well as registered with the local Council. It is your responsibility as the dog owner to ensure you  comply with the Dog Act 1976. This includes ensuring your dog is microchipped and registered.

    Q: My dog does have a microchip but it is no longer detectable; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. If the microchip is faulty or no longer detectable it is your responsibility as the dog owner to ensure you have this rectified by your local vet.

  • All dogs must be held by a leash not exceeding two metres in all public places unless signposted as a dog off leash exercise area. Dogs must be on leash on all footpaths and verges within the City of Melville. Failure to do so may result in an infringement being issued.

    Penalty: $200, dangerous Dog: $400

    Q: There were no other dogs within the reserve so I thought it would be ok; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. Regardless of other people or animals being in the vicinity, if the area or reserve is classed as on leash, meaning all dogs must be on lead, your dog must remain on a lead. The City of Melville has 138 reserves where dogs are permitted off lead, as an owner you should ensure your dog remains on leash until they have reached these areas.

    Q: My dog had a leash attached to the collar however I was not holding it; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A:No, under the Dog Act 1976, if a dog is within an on leash area it is required to be held by a leash. Areas classed as on leash are classed as such to prevent dogs running free and potentially causing injury or harm to themselves or other users or wildlife within the area.

  • Other offences under the Dog Act 1976 which may incur an infringement.

    Swipe to see more

    Nature of OffencePenaltyPenalty Dangerous DogPenaly whether or not dog is a Dangerous Dog
    Failure to notify local government of new owner$200  
    Registration tag, certificate offences$200$400 
    Unlawful application of sterilisation tattoo  $200
    Failure to notify local government of microchip details  $200
    Removing, interfering with, dog’s microchip  $200
    Transfer of ownership of unmicrochipped dog  $200
    Failure to notify microchip database company of new owner  $200
    Failure to notify local government, microchip database company of information changes  $200
    Keeping more than the prescribed number of dogs$200$400 
    Breach of kennel establishment licence  $200
    Dog not wearing collar with attached registration tag$200  
    Dog not tethered in public place or dog in specified public place at prohibited time$200  
    Dog in exercise areas, rural areas offence$200  
    Greyhound not muzzled$200  
    Dog in place without consent$200$400 
    Dog attack or chase causing physical injury$400  
    Dog attack or chase causing no physical injury$200$400 
    Dangerous dog not wearing prescribed collar with prescribed information $400 
    Not complying with dangerous dog enclosure requirement $400 
    Not complying with commercial security dog requirements $400 
    Warning signs about dangerous dogs not displayed $400 
    Dangerous dog not muzzled $400 
    Dangerous dog not held or tethered $400 
    Dangerous dog not controlled by capable person $400 
    Dangerous dog in prohibited place $400 
    Dangerous dog (restricted breed) not sterilised $400 
    Dangerous dog (restricted breed) or pup sold $400 
    Dangerous dog (restricted breed) or pup advertised $400 
    Dangerous dog (restricted breed) or pup transferred $400 
    Buying or accepting ownership of dangerous dog (restricted breed) or pup $400 
    Breeding, or breeding from, dangerous dog (restricted breed) $400 
    Dangerous dog (declared) sold or transferred to under 18 year old $400 
    Failure to notify person of responsibilities under Part VI Div. 2 $400 
    Failure to notify local government of a dangerous dog event $400 

    Failure to notify new local government that dangerous dog kept in its district

    Failure to provide a notice to new owner about a dangerous dog (declared) $400 
    Failure to provide written notice to new owner about a dangerous dog (restricted breed) or dangerous dog (commercial security dog) $400 
    Failure to notify local government of dangerous dogs new district or death $400 
    Failure to comply with a nuisance dog order$200$400 
    Failure to produce document when so required$200$400 
    Failure to give name, date of birth or address on demand$200$400 


Cat Related Fines

  • All cats over six months of age must be registered. Cats can be registered for life, three years or one year.  All cat registrations expire on 31 October in the year they are due unless registered for life. If your cat is unregistered, you may receive an infringement as all cats must be registered to the council where they are ordinarily kept. As per Cat Act 2011, all cats must be microchipped and sterilised prior to registration.

    Penalty: $200

    Q: I didn’t know I needed to register my cat; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. It is your responsibility as the cat owner to ensure you comply with the Cat Act 2011. This includes ensuring your cat is sterilised, microchipped and registered. Rangers will attempt to educate cat owners of their responsibilities prior to issuing infringements.

    Q: My cat is registered in another Council but I still received an infringement; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. Rangers will attempt to educate cat owners of their responsibilities under the Cat Act 2011 prior to issuing infringements. If your cat is currently registered to another Council, this registration can be transferred to the City of Melville free of charge. It is your responsibility as the cat owner to ensure your details remain up to date at all times within sevendays of any changes to this information. To update any information on your pet please use our online Animal Maintenance form.

    Q: I didn’t receive an animal registration renewal notice; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. The City has made several attempts to notify you of the animal registration being due for renewal. A renewal notice was forwarded to you in September. As your pet remained unregistered after the due date, the City contacted you via phone in November, and another reminder notice was also forwarded to you.

    Q: My pet is deceased; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. The City provided several opportunities for you to notify us of changes in your pet’s circumstances. It is the responsibility of the animal owner to notify both the local government and the microchip database company of any changes.

    Q: It’s my first animal related offence; can I get off with a warning?

    A: No, we won’t withdraw the infringement. A clear record is not grounds for an appeal regardless of whether you admit fault, request a warning or are of good character.

  • The Cat Act 2011 requires all cats over the age of six months to be sterilised unless the cat is exempt from sterilisation. This is required to be determined by a veterinarian. Failure to do so may result in an infringement being issued.

    Penalty: $200

    Q: My cat is an indoor cat and doesn’t go outside; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. Regardless of whether your cat does or doesn’t venture outside, it is still a requirement under the Cat Act 2011 to ensure they are sterilised, microchipped and registered as well as wearing a collar fitted with identification tags (name and phone number as well as registration tag).

    Q: I wanted to breed my cat before sterilisation; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. Only approved registered cat breeders are able to keep unsterilised cats for breeding. All other cats over the age of six months, kept for domestic purposes must be sterilised.

  • Microchipping is a permanent method of being able to identify cats. The chip is very small and is inserted between the shoulder blades of the animal. The Cat Act was introduced in 2011 and requires all cats over the age of six months to be sterilised, microchipped and registered.

    Penalty: $200

    Q: I didn’t know I needed to microchip my cat if it was registered with the Council; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. Cats are unable to be registered with the Council unless they are sterilised and microchipped. Only a registered veterinary surgeon is able to issue an exemption against having the cat sterilised or microchipped.

    Q: My cat does have a microchip but it is no longer detectable; will you withdraw my infringement?

    A: No, the infringement will not be withdrawn. If the microchip is faulty or no longer detectable it is your responsibility as the cat owner to ensure you have this rectified by your local vet.

  • Other offences under the Cat Act 2011 which may incur an infringement.

    Nature of OffencePenalty
    Failure to ensure cat is wearing its registration tag in public$200
    Removing, or interfering with, a cat’s registration tag$200
    Removing, or interfering with, a cat’s microchip$200
    Identifying a cat as sterilised that is not$200
    Transfer of a cat that is not sterilised (and is not exempt)$200
    Transfer of a cat that is not microchipped (and is not exempt)$200
    Failure to notify local government or microchip database company of a new owner$200
    Failure to notify local government or microchip database company of a change of details$200
    Breeding cats, not being an approved cat breeder$200
    Cats not to be offered as prizes$200
    Refusal by alleged offender to give information on request$200


Paying Your Animal Infringement

There are several options for paying your animal infringement. Choose from the following:

  • Online by Card: Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Pay online now
  • By Phone: 1300 880 716 (Visa, Mastercard or American Express)
  • In Person: Visit the City of Melville Civic Centre, 10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon, betwee 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
  • By Mail: Post the infringement along with a cheque, money order or your card details to City of Melville, Locked Bag 1, Booragoon WA 6954

Appeal to Have Your Animal Infringement Withdrawn

By law, you’re entitled to request a review of your infringement. You will need to provide all the relevant details so we can make a decision. An appeal must be lodged by the animal owner within 28 days of the fine being issued. All requests for infringements to be reviewed must be made to the City of Melville in writing. We have included some frequently used scenarios for Dogs and Cats above.

You can submit an appeal using one of the below options;

  • By Email: Complete the Animal Infringement Review Form and email it to  Make sure you attach supporting documents or photos and a copy of your infringement. 
  • By Mail: Print and complete the Animal Infringement Review Form and post it to Ranger Services, City of Melville, Locked Bag 1, Booragoon WA 6954. Make sure you include supporting documents or photos and a copy of your infringement. 

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your first appeal and are able to provide further supporting evidence for a further review you may submit a second appeal. If your second appeal is unsuccessful the only option will be to elect to have the matter heard in court. 

Elect to Be Prosecuted for This Alleged Offence in Court

If you wish to have the infringement determined in court, wait until you have received the final demand and do not pay the infringement. Prior to the due date, you must advise us in writing by completing this form and returning to the City. We encourage you to reconsider your position and/or seek legal advice as the City’s intention will be to seek costs should you be successfully prosecuted.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don’t pay an infringement?

If we have not heard from you within 28 days, we will send a final demand which includes a late payment fee. If payment is not received the infringement will be referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry. When this happens, the infringement notice becomes a court order and further fees are imposed to recover the fine.  There are serious consequences for not paying fines in WA, including drivers or vehicle licence suspension or removal of number plates from your vehicle.

Once your infringement has been referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry, the City can no longer provide assistance. Visit the WA Government Fines Enforcement Registry for more information on addressing your infringement notice.

What happens if I receive a letter from the Fines Enforcement Registry?

Once your infringement has been referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry, the City can no longer provide assistance. Visit the WA Government Fines Enforcement Registry for more information on addressing your infringement notice.

Once an infringement is lodged with the Fines Enforcement Registry additional charges will apply; your driver’s licence may be suspended; and you will not be able to renew your vehicle registration until the infringement has been paid.

What happens if my appeal is unsuccessful?

The City will advise you in writing, of the outcome of your appeal. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, and are able to provide additional supporting evidence for a further review, you may submit a second appeal. If your second appeal is unsuccessful the only option will be to elect to have the matter heard in court. 

Can I set up a payment plan to pay my infringement?

We do not offer payment plans for infringements.

I’m not satisfied with the outcome of my appeal, can I take the matter to court?

Yes. If you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your appeal and wish to take the matter to court please advise us in writing of your decision.

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