Explore our helpful tools and information for older people, access our Age Friendly Services Directory and links to other useful websites below.
Age Friendly Melville Services Directory
Our Age Friendly Melville Services Directory provides details on programs and services that encourage community engagement and independence for those over 55.
Age Friendly Melville Services Directory
Please contact us if you would like a hard copy of the directory.
Age Friendly Melville Assistance Fund
Our Age Friendly Melville Assistance Fund provides one-off or short-term financial assistance to older residents in our City so they can stay independent in their own homes or in residential care.
Housing Decisions Toolkit
Our Housing Decisions Toolkit is a simple three step toolkit to help you collect your thoughts on your housing situation, and will help you work through your decisions.
Housing Decisions Toolkit Third-Party Links and Resources for Older People
COTA WA ‘At Home Guide’ Seniors Guide
The Council on the Ageing (COTA) WA have prepared a useful guide to help older Western Australians lead fulfilling lives. It is designed to be printed and kept at the home to provide easy access to information and services.
WA Seniors Card
The Western Australian government offers a seniors card to eligible residents that provides access to a generous range of concessions and rebates.
My Aged Care
My Aged Care can help you understand your aged care options and help you find and access government-funded aged care services.
Seniors Housing Advisory Centre
The Seniors Housing Advisory Centre provides free, independent information and advice on the range of housing options available for seniors in WA.
Elder Abuse
Elder abuse, which can include financial, social, physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional abuse, affects many older Western Australians. The Department of Communities and a number of support services have come together to provide an Elder Abuse Strategy.
Dementia Resources
Melville Age Friendly Accessible Business Network
We aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment for everyone throughout the City of Melville including local businesses. The MAFAB Network encourages local businesses to be age friendly and accessible through education and awareness. See our
dementia videos for more information.
Dementia Friendly City
We want to ensure our City is a place where people with dementia are supported to continue living with meaning, purpose and value. You can sign up to become a Dementia Friend through the
Dementia Australia website.
Safe and Found
Safe and Found helps people at risk of going missing by collecting and storing details information about an individuals physical characteristics, habits and behaviours, as well as previous addresses health issues and more. See more information on Safe and Found.
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia offers all kinds of support and resources for people living with dementia and their carers. See the Dementia Australia website for more information and support.
Alzheimer’s WA
Alzheimer’s WA works with those living with dementia and the organisations that care and support them, to have a positive impact on their dementia journey. For more information please see the Alzheimer's WA website.
Resources for Carers and Family Members
We have compiled some helpful resources for carers and family members for those who may be looking after elderly people. See all our Resources for Carers and Family Members.