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Applications must be made through the Department of Home Affairs, which can be done online. 

Ceremony Process

After applying for Australian Citizenship approved conferees will receive notification from the Department of Home Affairs by way of an approval letter.

Ceremonies are held at the Civic Centre regularly; usually every month on a Thursday evening however this may change due to special circumstances.

Applicants for Australian Citizenship are required to attend a citizenship ceremony in their local council area, or at a location advised by the Department of Home Affairs.

Home Affairs are responsible for allocating you to a ceremony date. Approved citizenship applications will be referred to local Councils in approval date order.

Ceremonies are scheduled within six months of approval but waiting periods may vary. The Department appreciates your patience and asks that you wait to be invited to a ceremony.

Citizenship application numbers and waiting times for ceremonies can be found on the Home Affairs website.

Conferees have 12 months from their notice of approval to attend a ceremony to make the pledge of commitment.

Approved conferee lists will in most cases be sent to us from Home Affairs five to six weeks before each ceremony.  We will then send you an invitation directly via email approximately one month prior to your ceremony date. Invitations are based on the date of approval of the citizenship application.

If you are unable to attend the ceremony date you have been allocated, please let us know once you receive your invitation and we will then refer the matter to Home Affairs, who will reallocate you to the next available date.

It is a legal requirement to produce a current driver's license or passport as identification when you come to register at your ceremony. New citizens are sworn in by the Mayor or approved Presiding person. Approved conferees will make either an Oath Pledge or an Affirmation Pledge depending on the choice made when completing the application for Citizenship. Pledge Cards will be provided at the ceremony.

Once you make the pledge at a ceremony you will receive your Certificate of Citizenship (provided by the Department of Home Affairs). This becomes your legal proof to enrol to vote and apply for an Australian passport.

An Electoral Commission enrolment form will accompany your Citizenship Certificate. Complete this form to enrol to vote.

For enrolment information, contact the Australian Electoral Commission.

For passport enquiries, contact the Australian Passport Office.

Urgent or Online Ceremonies

All ceremony allocations are done by the Department of Home Affairs so any urgent ceremony requests must go through the Department for approval. The Department does not allow Councils to hold private or urgent ceremonies. We can only allocate you to our next available public ceremony once the Department has sent us your details.

Unfortunately, we are not set up to do online or virtual ceremonies. If you do require an urgent ceremony you will need to make the request and get approval through Home Affairs as we are not authorised to do so.

You can email your requests to

Please be aware you will be required to provide supporting documentation with your request.

Lost Citizenship Certificates

If you have lost your certificate and need evidence of your Australian Citizenship, you must call the Department of Home Affairs on 131 881 or visit their website.

City of Melville Citizenship Officers

Lucinda , Jade and Lisa


Update Your Details with Home Affairs

Please update your details on your ImmiAccount. By updating your details through your ImmiAccount, the changes will be immediate.

Alternatively, download the Form 929 Change of address and/or passport details on the Department of Home Affairs website. Then email the form to

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