The City of Melville proposes to make the City of Melville Fencing Local Law 2024, which will repeal and replace the current City of Melville By-Laws Relating to Fencing.
The purpose of the local law is to prescribe a sufficient fence and the standard for the construction of fences throughout the district.
The effect of the local law is to establish the minimum requirements for fencing within the district.
A copy of the proposed local law can be downloaded from our
Fencing Local Law 2024 page on Melville Talks, or obtained from the City of Melville Civic Centre, 10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
The City of Melville invites written submissions from the community on the proposed local law which can be made by:
- Online: completing our online written submission form (see the Fencing Local Law 2024 Melville Talks page)
- Mail: posting your submission to City of Melville, Locked Bag 1, Booragoon WA 6159
- Phone: calling us on (08) 9364 0666 | 1300 635 845
- In person: speaking to a staff member at the City of Melville Civic Centre, Libraries, Community Centres and LeisureFit Booragoon
The closing date for submissions is
4.00pm, Monday 3 March 2025. For more information, including a copy of the current by-laws and proposed fencing local law and a table comparing the two, see the
Fencing Local Law 2024 page on Melville Talks.
Gail Bowman
Chief Executive Officer