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Melville Sounding Board

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The City is always exploring new opportunities to engage with its local community. With a vision to ‘engage with our diverse community to achieve an inclusive, vibrant and sustainable future’, the new Melville Sounding Board aims to provide more meaningful engagement and opportunities to influence projects that are tailored specific to your areas of interest.

The Melville Sounding Board is a new initiative, designed to better understand the issues that matter most to our community. The Melville Sounding Board is a group of people who have opted to receive community engagement communications from the City by becoming a VIP subscriber to Melville Talks. By sharing information like where you live, your gender, your age and the particular interests will help us provide more personalised communications relevant to what is important to you. This will also enable us to balance the feedback we receive to be more representative of the entire community. We want to make sure we’re hearing the ‘voice’ of Melville.

Become a member

We want our engagement process to reflect the diversity of our community. Sharing information about who you are will help us ensure we have reached our diverse voices.  

Subscribe to the Melville Sounding Board

The City of Melville respects your privacy. Your personal information will be kept confidential and you can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time.


What is Melville Talks?
Melville Talks is the city’s online engagement platform where you can find information about and comment on projects and initiatives happening in the City of Melville.  It’s the simplest and most effective way to have a say on things happening in our City.
What is the Melville Sounding Board
The Melville Sounding Board is a group of people who have opted to receive tailored community engagement communications from the City by becoming a VIP subscriber to Melville Talks.
It is not a committee, or a project specific community panel, however can be a source for developing into a community reference group, panel or other working group (method of engagement) as identified during the planning stages of a project.
What happened to the Community Feedback Panel?
In 2021, the City established the Community Feedback Panel (CFP). The CFP was a representative sample of 30 residents who met bi-monthly to provide advise and commentary on council plans, strategies and services. As part of the CFP review process the CFP, City of Melville Officers and external consultant, Elton, evaluated the effectiveness of the group. The review outcome was to build on what had already been established and to investigate how this could be improved.
To achieve similar outcomes to the CFP, however with more opportunities for meaningful outcomes, and over multiple projects, and provide more balanced and representative decision making, the City has launched the Melville Sounding Board.
The 800+ people who expressed interested in joining the CFP will receive a personal invitation to join the new Melville Sounding Board.
What are the benefits of joining the Melville Sounding Board?
People who subscribe will receive tailored information on consultations happening in the City of Melville based on the information they provide.
Randomly selected people will receive invitations to be part of community reference groups, panels or other working groups to have an even greater say on things affecting you the most.
How do I become a member?
It’s easy. Just fill out the registration form on this page, including the mandatory personal information to help us tailor the information you receive. Once you complete this you’ll be added to our database.
Why do I need to give my personal information?
The collection of personal information like where you live, your gender, your age and the particular interests will help us provide more personalised communications relevant to what is important to you. This will also enable us to balance the feedback we receive to be more representative of the entire community. We want to make sure we’re hearing the ‘voice’ of Melville.
Is my personal information safe?
Your opinions matter and your privacy is paramount. Your personal information will never be shared with any third party or used on public documents.
How do I update my preference or unsubscribe?
You can update your preference or unsubscribe at any point in time.
  • Unsubscribe by clicking the link at the top of this page
  • Update your details by clicking on the link at the bottom of one of our emails or by simply contacting the Engagement team via email.

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