An FOI application received by us may include documents which contain information about third parties, both personal and commercial.
The FOI Act includes exemption clauses which allow certain information to be deemed exempt and removed from documents prior to their release. Third party personal information (Clause 3) and third party commercial information (Clause 4) are included in these exemptions.
If we are proposing to release your personal information (either personal or commercial) then we must consult with you prior to its release to seek your view about the information and if it should be exempt.
Following the consultation we can still release the documents containing your personal information against your wishes. We are required to provide you a written notice of decision outlining the reasons for the release. If this occurs, you have review rights under the FOI Act and the documents cannot be released to the applicant until these review rights are concluded.
For further information please see the Office of the Information Commissioner publication:
Can other people access information about me or my business.