Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

The Local Government Act 1995 (5.56) requires all local governments ‘to plan for the future’. This is achieved through an Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) Framework.
The IPR Framework aims to support the ongoing sustainability of local governments by ensuring that the priorities we set and the services we deliver, align and respond to the needs, priorities and aspirations of our community for current and future generations.
A successful integrated planning and reporting process delivers the following outcomes:

  • A Strategic Community Plan that clearly links the community’s aspirations with the Council’s vision and long term strategy

  • A Corporate Business Plan that integrates resourcing plans and specific council plans with the Strategic Community Plan, and

  • A clearly stated vision and mission for the future viability of the local government area.

    A major review of the City of Melville’s Strategic Community Plan 2020-2030 and Corporate Business Plan 2020-2024 was completed in 2024, and have been brought together to create one cohesive, coordinated and integrated Council Plan for the Future 2024-2034 (Council Plan).

    The consolidated Council Plan aligns our community’s priorities and aspirations directly with our long-term vision, values, outcomes, and objectives, delivering the intent of the IPR Framework, that the voices of our community are central to our strategic planning and decision making, and help us to identify key priorities and areas of focus.

    The Council Plan ensures that our services and projects are aligned to our key outcomes and objectives, are set against our resourcing capability to deliver short, medium, and long term priorities and are strategically directed towards achieving long-term intergenerational community outcomes.

This diagram illustrates in simple terms how the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework ensures that the priorities we set and the services we deliver, are aligned and responding to the needs, priorities and aspirations of our community.

Additional information including the long term financial plan, asset management plan, workforce plan, local planning strategy and other specific strategies inform the development of the Council Plan, and the Council Plan in turn drives the annual budget process from the point of view of the sevices and projects  we deliver. 

The Council Plan ensures that our services and projects are:

  • aligned to our key outcomes and objectives
  • are set against our resourcing capability to deliver short, medium, and long term priorities
  • are strategically directed towards achieving long-term intergenerational community outcomes

The City of Melville’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework:

  • Recognises that planning for a Local Government is holistic in nature and driven by the community

  • Builds organisational and resource capability to meet community need

  • Optimises success by understanding the integration and interdependencies between the components

  • Emphasises performance monitoring so that Local Governments can adapt and respond to changes in community needs and the business environment

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