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Council Plan for the Future 2024-2034

Our Council Plan for the Future 2024-2034

Our Council Plan for the Future 2024-2034 (the Council Plan) has been informed by the aspirations and future priorities of our diverse community.  

The Council Plan provides a community informed and Council led vision and strategic direction for the next ten years, and has been developed in line with a strategic Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework meeting the legislative requirements of all local governments to develop a plan for the future.

Both our Strategic Community Plan 2020-2030 and Corporate Business Plan 2020-2024 were reviewed following extensive community engagement, and have been brought together to create one cohesive, coordinated and integrated Council Plan for the Future 2024-2034.

The Council Plan ensures that our vision, five outcome areas and strategic objectives are all connected to achieving our community’s aspirations and priorities:

Our vision: Vibrant, Sutainable, Inclusive Melville

Our key outcome areas are:

  1. Healthy, Safe and Inclusive - Healthy, safe and inclusive communities with a sense of belonging and wellbeing.
  2. Clean and Green - A clean, green and sustainable City for current and future generations.
  3. Sustainable and Connected Development - Sustainable, connected development and transport infrastructure across our City.
  4. Vibrant and Prosperous - Economic prosperity and vibrant resilient communities and businesses.
  5. Good Governance and Leadership - Leadership and good governance for the benefit of the whole community

Please note the City of Melville DRAFT Council Plan for the Future was adopted by Council on 20 August, 2024. The final document is being proofed and designed and will be published in the near future.

Our Future Melville - Strategic Community Plan major review

Our Council Plan for the Future 2024-2034 has been informed by the aspirations and future priorities of our diverse community.  
Between October and December 2023, we heard from 3,193 people who told us what they think makes the City of Melville unique, what they love, and what could be enhanced. They also told us about their key areas of priority and focus.
Thank you to our wonderful community for your important feedback, which has helped to guide our future direction and the development of this Plan.

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