If you are planning to operate a short stay accommodation business within our city there are certain things that you need to be aware of and permits that you may need. Please find more information below.
About Short Stay Accommodation Businesses
Short stay accommodation businesses may include:
- Bed and breakfast accommodations
- Hosted Accommodations
- Holiday or Serviced Apartments
- Holiday Homes
Please see our Local Planning Policy – Short Term Accommodation for definitions of each type of accommodation.
Planning Approval
To own and operate a Short Stay Accomodation Business you will need to obtain planning approval by submitting a development application. Your application will be assessed against our Local Planning Framework. Depending on the application you may also need to go through a public consultation period. Please see further information about planning approval within our city.
Other Considerations
There are several other considerations you need to make to successfully operate your short stay accommodation business within our city. Your business needs to not disrupt the usual day-to-day environment in a certain area.
Site Management Plan
As part of your development application, you need to include a site management plan. The site management plan should include:
- A code of conduct detailing the expected behaviour and obligations of guests
- A complaint management procedure, which is to include managing agents contact number and any adjoining neighbours contact numbers
- A control management plan including anti-social behaviour and the potential conflict between guests and any permanent resident of the area
- Full check in and out details and procedures
- Car parking management and details
- Details regarding waste management, which needs to include the expectation on guests about general rubbish and bin collection (if applicable)
- Compliance with strata by-laws (if applicable) in the form of a statement of compliance.
Number of Guests
A maximum of 6 people can stay at a holiday house, holiday accommodation, holiday apartment, or hosted accommodation in an individual dwelling/unit. If your existing accommodation is going to host more than 6 people at a time, approval for a change of use from a holiday house/accommodation to a Residential Building will be required. See more information about Change of Use.
Car Parking Availability
The appropriate parking is to be provided, maintained and available on-site and should ensure that guests are not reliant on verge or street parking. The on-site parking should be provided in accordance with the relevant standards of the Residential Design Codes, Activity Centre Plans or other applicable legislation including disability parking provisions.
Public Consultation
If your proposed short stay accommodation is in a residential zone, or involves the intensification of the existing use, the proposal will be advertised for public comment for at least 14 days. You will also need to consult the strata body if your planned short stay accommodation is part of a strata title, to demonstrate that the accommodation is compliant with regulations and provisions of the Community Titles Act 2018 and any associated bylaws or management orders.
Planning Advice
For advice regarding submitting planning or building applications or for any questions you may have about this process please refer to our Planning and Building Advice Page to see your options.