It is the responsibility of the driver of any vehicle to ensure they have parked their vehicle legally prior to leaving the vehicle. This could include ensuring a valid parking session has been purchased or complying with time restrictions as listed on surrounding signage.
Parking signs may have multiple conditions and restrictions on them. Drivers should follow the signs carefully, assess where the restrictions apply via arrows on the posts and obtain a ticket or abide by time restrictions when necessary. Failure to do so may result in an infringement being issued, or in extreme circumstances, impound of vehicles.
Report Illegal Parking
Illegal parking is a time sensitive request and the quickest way to get it actioned is to call directly through to our team.
Submitting your illegal parking request via Email or Snap Send Solve may result in the request not being able to be actioned by the time our rangers receive the request.
To report an illegally parked vehicle please call 9364 0666 during business hours. Monday to Friday, 8:30AM – 5:00PM.
Outside of business hours our Rangers team are available:
- Monday to Friday 6.30am to 8.00pm
- Saturday 6.30am to 7.00pm
- Sunday and Public Holidays 6.30am to 6.00pm
After hours rangers: 0418 943 219 (Please call this number, as it is unable to receive text messages.). Calls to this number within business hours will be diverted to our Customer Relations Team.
Illegal Parking Offences
Below are a few parking offences that may result in an infringement notice being issued. Always remember to check your surroundings and ensure you are parked in a time appropriate area prior to leaving your vehicle.
Examples of Illegal Parking
Parking on a footpath
No portion of a parked vehicle is permitted to be on, over or in front of a footpath, as per section 2.6(2) of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
Footpaths provide pedestrians with a safe alternative to walking on roads. Parked vehicles blocking any portion of the footpath, including the crossover (where your driveway and the footpath meet), may force pedestrians onto the road or other dangerous areas. This can be especially dangerous for those with prams, people living with a disability and young children.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Item 16, the penalty for this offence is $110.
No Stopping areas
No Stopping areas can be defined by signage or a continuous yellow line painted along the edge of a carriageway. A driver shall not stop on a length of carriageway, or in an area, to where no stopping restrictions apply, as per section 2.6(1)(a), 3.6(1)(a), 6.1(1)(a), 6.14(h) of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Item 11, 30, 59 and 99 the penalty for this offence is $110.
Verge Parking
To park on a street verge or nature strip, permission from the owner or occupier of the property immediately adjacent to the verge must be given. Signage may be installed by the City to restrict or prohibit verge parking and must be adhered to regardless of whether permission by the owner or occupier has been given. These signs apply to all drivers including those of the adjoining residence, as per section 6.8 of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023. As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Items 82 and 83, the penalty for these offences is $110.
Trailers and Caravans cannot be parked on a verge when not attached to a vehicle and must be stored on private property, as per section 6.13 of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Item 92, the penalty for this offence is $90.
Parking in bays set aside for other vehicle types
Throughout the City parking bays are reserved for use by restricted vehicle types (Taxi, Vehicle with Trailer, Motorcycle etc). These bays are only for the use of the vehicle type listed on the signage, as per sections 5.11- 5.14 of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Items 53- 57, the penalty for these offences is $90.
Time Restricted Parking
Throughout the City are time restricted parking bays/stations. Ensure to read any signage when parking to see what restrictions are in place. This will be displayed as a number followed by a P (1/4P 15 Minutes, 2P 2 hours, 4P 4 hours etc), as per section 2.5 of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023. As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Items 9 and 10, the penalty for these offences is $90.
These areas will need a parking session to be active (does not apply for drop off bays) this can be done by paying by plate, purchasing a ticket or using the parking app, as per section 2.3(1) of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Items 2-5, the penalty for these offences is $90.
Street Parking
Any vehicle may park in a street for up to 24 hours at a time, provided the street does not have signage stating otherwise. After 24 hours, the vehicle must be moved for at least one hour. Should a vehicle remained parked in excess of 24 hours, the vehicle is deemed to cause an obstruction, as per section 5.16 of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023. As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Item 59, the penalty for this offence is $110.
All parked vehicles must be further than 10 metres clear of any intersection and may not be blocking access to personal or business driveways, as per section 6.14(d) of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Item 97, the penalty for this offence is $100.
Parking on or adjacent to a median strip (within 3m)
Median strips are usually used to divide traffic and enhance safety on busy and significant roads, such as physical and painted islands. Parking your vehicle on a median strip is not permitted under the State Road Traffic Code, and as per section 6.5(1) of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Item 75, the penalty for this offence is $90.
Parking of commerical trucks
Any commercial vehicle may park on a road or verge (with permission and not contrary to signage) for a maximum of four hours. After that time, the vehicle must be removed from the area for at least one hour. Any commercial vehicle may NOT park on any road or verge for the purpose of repairing, servicing or cleaning the vehicle, as per section 5.9 of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Items 50 and 51, the penalty for these offences is $100.
Any vehicle or any combination of vehicles (eg: vehicle plus trailer or caravan) which exceeds 10 metres in length may park on a road or verge (with permission and not contrary to signage) for a maximum of one hour during any 24 hour period, as per section 5.10 of the City of Melville Parking Local Law 2023.
As per Schedule 1- Modified Penalties Item 52, the penalty for this offence is $100.
Full List of Offences and Modified Penalties
Abandoned Vehicles
When the City receives a report of an abandoned vehicle the investigating officer will first attempt to establish an owner when visiting the vehicle and determine if the vehicle is on Public Land or Private Property (Rangers can only action vehicles left on Public Land). If unable to establish an owner a sticker will be placed on the vehicle advising the owner to remove the vehicle from the location.
If the vehicle has not been moved or an owner not established, we will get the last known owner details to advise the owner of a timeline to have the vehicle removed.
Should we receive no correspondence within the given timeframe we will start the process of impounding the vehicle.
Impounding of abandoned vehicles
Where a Ranger finds a vehicle that is either unlawfully parked or could be considered to be abandoned, unregistered or disused, the Ranger may impound the vehicle if it is not removed or relocated to private property. The time given to remove an abandoned vehicle will depend on each situation and could be any time from 24 hours to 14 days.
Recovery of impounded vehicles
All vehicles that are impounded by Rangers are taken to the City's vehicle impounding yard at Pickles Auctions, corner Phoenix Road and Sudlow Road, Bibra Lake, (08) 6595 0777. Impounded vehicles can be recovered after paying the costs of impounding and removal, plus a release fee.
Recovering an abandoned vehicle from the impounding area is often a costly procedure. It is suggested that before going to collect an impounded vehicle you obtain details of the amount due as the vehicle will not be released until the full amount is paid. No vehicle can be driven from the impound yard and you will be required to arrange a trailer or towtruck to remove the vehicle.
Sale of removed vehicles
Where an impounded vehicle has not been collected within two months of the impounding date, the City may sell the vehicle. Impounded vehicles are sold at public auction by Pickles. If a vehicle is not sold it may be otherwise disposed of.
If you require further clarification on abandoned vehicles or wish to report one, please contact customer service on 9364 0666 or lodge an online request.