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Deputy Mayor Karen Wheatland

Palmyra - Melville - Willagee Ward

Suburbs: Melville, Palmyra and Willagee


Karen Wheatland is a dedicated community leader and a strong advocate for equity, particularly for women and underrepresented people/groups. Karen raised her two daughters in the City of Melville and is deeply involved in local initiatives, from schools and sports to broader community projects, always striving to make a positive impact.

Karen’s groundbreaking career in the maritime industry saw her as the first woman crew member on Fremantle Harbour’s tugboats, with roles including Tugboat Rating, Master Mariner, Merchant Seafarer and Pearl Diver. Her maritime background took her to many corners of WA, with her maritime career ending in 2018 due to a workplace accident, her passion for advocacy only grew stronger.

Karen is the current Deputy Mayor. Since her election to the City of Melville Council in 2017, Karen has focused on creating an inclusive community where everyone’s voice is heard. In addition to her community work, she runs Seagal Media & Consultancy, capturing the stories and moments that make Western Australia unique.

Leadership Roles

Today, Karen serves her community in various leadership roles:

  • State Councillor, WA Local Government Association (WALGA)
  • Chair, Resource Recovery Group, (RRG)
  • Chair, Municipal Waste Advisory Council (MWAC)
  • Committee Member, Women in Football Advisory Committee, WA Football Commission
  • National Vice President, Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA)

Councillor Karen Wheatland's current term of office is until 2025.

Contact Councillor Karen Wheatland viaa email

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