Bushfire Alert - Karel Avenue A Bushfire Advice is in place for people on both sides of Karel Avenue in an area bounded by Leach Highway to the north, Camm Avenue to the west, Parry Avenue and Burrendah Boulevard to the south and The Escarpment the east in parts of Willetton and Bull Creek. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire is now contained but not controlled. There is no threat to lives or homes. Although there is no immediate danger, you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. Visit emergency.wa.gov.au for more info.
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The Story

On September 2nd 1916, school teacher Frank Kelly aged 18 joined the army. He became a private in the 18/28th battalion A.I.F. (Australian Imperial Force).

He embarked at Fremantle December 29 1916 and disembarked March 3rd 1917 Davenport, New Zealand before being sent to England and then eventually France. Frank was wounded in action in Belgium September 20 1917 but a couple of weeks later this was changed to missing in action. On November 7 1917, Frank Kelly is reported as killed in action. He had been in the A.I F. for just over a year and a few months prior had celebrated his 19th birthday.

Private Frank Kelly was never able to return to his family. This diary, poem and letters to his mother are the few records of his time serving.

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