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ParkART gives artists the opportunity to enhance the local identity and uniqueness of some of the parks in our City with site specific, temporary art.  Find out more information and how to apply below. 

About ParkART

ParkART exists to give artists the opportunity to enhance the local identity and uniqueness of some of our neighbourhood parks in our City. We welcome art in the form of murals, permanent pieces, ephemeral or temporary pieces that should enhance the character and setting of the park they are located in. You don't need to be a professional artist to apply, we welcome submissions from creatives working at all levels.

Previous ParkART commissions include bottle top murals made by Melville Primary School, a hop-scotch ground mural by Naomi Craigs, collectable painted rocks by Liv Robinson and gorgeous knitted friends by Tracey and Kate Parker. 

ParkART 2022

We are running ParkART again in 2022! There are five neighbourhood parks throughout our City ready for artworks that celebrate each unique place. We will be posting the winning applicant's pieces soon. 

For any questions please email

Previous ParkART Artworks


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